H2Pro Greenhouse and Nursery Liquid (1 liter)

Liquid soilless media surfactant

Soilless media liquid surfactant with long residual activity designed for irrigation system application. Decreases irrigation frequency by optimizing water holding capacity.

  • May be applied during blending or any time during production

  • Reduces dry spots and wilting

  • At high rates, rewetting action can continue through the entire production cycle and retail stage

  • May be surface applied to containers prior to shipment

  • Can be used in misting systems to keep fresh cuttings hydrated

  • Also available in granular formulation

Container drench (one-time application after filling, during production, or before shipping)

Longevity / applicationGrowing media conditionsConcentration (ppm)Drench dilution (fl. oz. / 100 gal. water)
High rate (up to 12 months)Severely water-repellent1,50016
Medium rate (up to 6 months)Moderately water-repellent1,00010.5
Low rate (up to 6 weeks)Slightly water-repellent5005.5
Interior plantscapes
(containers, hanging baskets, and planters)
(containers, hanging baskets and trays)



Continuous application (ultra low rate)

Application methodConcentration (ppm)RateHow to use
Irrigation51.6 ml. / 100 gal. waterDaily application
Misting (freshly stuck cuttings)1501.6 fl. oz. / 100 gal. waterMist until runoff



Incorporation (mix into dry growing media using automated mix lines or pad mixing prior to filling containers)

LongevityRate (fl. oz. mixed with at least 2 gal. water / cubic yard of media)*
High rate5.5
Medium rate3.5
Low rate2.0
*Under dry conditions, increasing water volume aids incorporation.