Polysulphate Chipping Potato Trial on Loamy Fine Sand


Marketable yield increase
Polysulphate increased marketable yields with a 77.6% yield increase in #1 potatoes in a North Carolina, USA trial

Vandermeere, North Carolina, USA



Marketable yield increase

Key Conclusions

Compared to GSP, in-furrow Polysulphate applications, at planting, increases quality and yield on FL1867 and Snowden chipping potatoes. Balanced nutrient management by specific potato variety is critical to maximizing yield and profitability.


Evaluate the yield and quality from Polysulphate fertilizer on Snowden and FL1867 chipping potatoes when applied at planting on a loamy fine sand.

Trial Details

Trial station

Vandermeere, North Carolina, USA




Tuber yield and quality.


  • Grower standard practice (GSP) consisted of 10 gallons of 10-34-0 + 360 lbs of pelletized Gypsum (Pel Gyp) in-furrow at planting and MOP applied preplant.
  • The Polysulphate treatment consisted of the GSP with either 360 or 720 lbs/a of Polysulphate with the amount of CaSO4 and MOP being adjusted to match total applied K2O across all treatments.
  • Treatments were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with six replications.


  • Grower standard practice (GSP) consisted of 10 gallons of 10-34-0 + 360 lbs of pelletized Gypsum (Pel Gyp) in-furrow at planting and MOP applied preplant.
  • The Polysulphate treatment consisted of the GSP with either 360 or 720 lbs/a of Polysulphate with the amount of CaSO4 and MOP being adjusted to match total applied K2O across all treatments.
  • Treatments were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with six replications.


  • Polysulphate showed a significant increase (39.6% for FL1867, 77.6% for Snowden) in higher quality #1 potatoes (at 720 lbs/a)
  • Compared to GSP, Polysulphate resulted in improved total yields by 36.3% for Snowden’s (720 lbs/a)
  • Lower quality #2 potatoes were cut in half for FL1867 with Polysulphate (360 and 720 lbs/acre) compared to GSP

Other interesting trials

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Entrican, Michigan, USA, 2021


Yield increase
Polysulphate on Potatoes
Marshall, Michigan, USA, 2021


Marketable yields increase