F3 SurfActive Technology is ICL’s unique technology that improves the efficiency of foliar nutrition. In normal conditions, plants get much of their nutrition via their roots. But when root systems are not functioning normally, foliar nutrition can ensure crops still get the nutrients they need to thrive. And with ICL F3 SurfActive Technology, a specific blend of non-ionic surfactants, the efficiency of the sprayed solution is further improved.
Benefits of F3 SurfActive Technology
- Better spreading: F3 SurfActive technology reduces the droplet surface tension and spreads the applied nutrients optimally over leaves. This increased coverage improves nutrient uptake.
- Better adhesiveness: Nutrient availability is improved by increasing the adhesion of the water droplets to the leaf surface. This reduces nutrient runoff and bounce-off, especially on crops with waxy leaves.
- Better retention: F3 SurfActive Technology enables the formation of small nutrient deposits on the leaf surface. Rewetting with high air humidity, for example, reactivates these nutrient deposits. The reduced droplet evaporation provides prolonged nutrition for improved foliar applications.
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