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Hydraflo is a soil wetting agent assist in overcoming extremes in weather and hydrophobic soil conditions

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Hydraflo is a highly effective liquid wetting agent that aids the rewetting of soils and growing media in dry summer periods, eliminates localised dry spots and increases the uniformity of wetting throughout the soil profile.

By allowing better water penetration and absorption, Hydraflo L helps plants to grow deeper, stronger roots. It also encourages free drainage from waterlogged soils and growing media in winter and during heavy rainfall. This inhibits surface moss, algae growth and soil borne pathogens. When waterlogged soils and potting media drain, air is allowed into the root zone which enhances root health.



  • Long term performance enables rewetting of dry soils

  • Aids infiltration and drainage promoting deeper stronger roots

  • Uniform wetting to avoid summer dry patch

  • Increases plant and turf uniformity by improving plant access to moisture

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