Polysulphate Potato Trial in Greece


Yield Increase
Net income increased by 15% when Polysulphate fertilizer applied to potato crop in Greece.

Kozani, Greece



Yield Increase

Key Conclusions

An improved ICL fertilizer regime which includes Polysulphate, Solinure, and NovaNPK increased potato yield by 16%, and increased the net income for the potato grower by 15%, when compared to the standard practice.


This trial in Northern Greece compared the yield of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) grown with an improved ICL fertilizer package, which included Polysulphate, to potatoes grown using the standard local farmers’ practice.

Trial Details

Trial station

Kozani, Greece




Potato yield


The farmers’ practice consisted of a basal application of 1,100 kg/ha of compound fertilizer 14-14-14+26SO3+2MgO; a top dressing of 300 kg/ha of potassium-magnesium sulphate (0-0-30+42SO3+10MgO) and 200 kg/ha of 40-0-0+14SO3; 80 kg/ha of 20-19-19 and 80 kg/ha of 12-6-36+TE applied through fertigation; and 2.5 kg/ha of 3-27-18+seaweed applied as a foliar spray. In total 259.6 kg N/ha, 174 kg P2O5/ha, 288 kg K2O/ha, 440 kg SO3/ha and 52 kg MgO/ha were applied to the crop.

The improved ICL practice included the same basal fertilization; a top dressing of 500 kg/ha of Polysulphate and 200 kg/ha of 40-0-0+14SO3; and 100 kg/ha of ICL Solinure 11-35-11+2MgO+TE and 250 kg/ha of ICL NovaNPK 10-10-40+TE applied through fertigation. In total 270 kg N/ha, 214 kg P2O5/ha, 335 kg K2O/ha, 554 kg SO3/ha, 54 kg MgO/ha and 85 kg CaO/ha were applied to the crop.


Collecting potato samples during the trial in Greece.

Collecting potato samples during the trial in Greece.



The farmers’ practice consisted of a basal application of 1,100 kg/ha of compound fertilizer 14-14-14+26SO3+2MgO; a top dressing of 300 kg/ha of potassium-magnesium sulphate (0-0-30+42SO3+10MgO) and 200 kg/ha of 40-0-0+14SO3; 80 kg/ha of 20-19-19 and 80 kg/ha of 12-6-36+TE applied through fertigation; and 2.5 kg/ha of 3-27-18+seaweed applied as a foliar spray. In total 259.6 kg N/ha, 174 kg P2O5/ha, 288 kg K2O/ha, 440 kg SO3/ha and 52 kg MgO/ha were applied to the crop.

The improved ICL practice included the same basal fertilization; a top dressing of 500 kg/ha of Polysulphate and 200 kg/ha of 40-0-0+14SO3; and 100 kg/ha of ICL Solinure 11-35-11+2MgO+TE and 250 kg/ha of ICL NovaNPK 10-10-40+TE applied through fertigation. In total 270 kg N/ha, 214 kg P2O5/ha, 335 kg K2O/ha, 554 kg SO3/ha, 54 kg MgO/ha and 85 kg CaO/ha were applied to the crop.


Collecting potato samples during the trial in Greece.

Collecting potato samples during the trial in Greece.



  • The improved Polysulphate practice increased potato yield by 16%.
  • Net income for the potato grower using the improved practice increased by 15% when compared to the standard practice.


Polysulphate increased potato yield by 16%.

Polysulphate increased potato yield by 16%.


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