Hard Water 211

Specially designed to solve the challenges of hard water








Universol Hard Water 211 is developed for application in hard irrigation water, with high levels of bicarbonate. With an N:K ratio of 2:1, it is ideal for plants requiring high amounts of nitrogen during the early growth stage (e.g. foliar plants). Universol Hard Water 211 acidifies the irrigation water and neutralizes bicarbonate.

  • Contains all elements; NPK, magnesium and trace elements

  • Always the same composition thanks to stringent quality control

  • The pH of the soil remains stable as a result of the HCO3- buffering effect

  • Improves the quality of your irrigation water, by taking out bicarbonates

  • Dissolves entirely and quickly because of the special ingredients and the ‘Bright Solution System’

  • The pH of the soil remains stable as a result of the HCO3- buffering effect.

Pot and bedding plants:

100% Universol (continuous feeding)50% Universol when using 50% Osmocote
Crops with high fertiliser requirements1-2 g/l0.5-1 g/l
Crops with normal fertiliser requirements1-1.5 g/l0.5-0.75 g/l
Salt sensitive crops0.5-1 g/lDepends on situation



Container nursery stock:

100% Universol50% Universol when using 50% Osmocote
Crops with high fertiliser requirements20 g/m2/week10 g/m2/week
Crops with normal fertiliser requirements15 g/m2/week7.5 g/m2/week
Salt sensitive crops10 g/m2/week5 g/m2/week

Please contact ICL for application rates specific to your situation. Recommended rates in g/L represents the dilution rate in irrigation water.

Prepare the stock solution 1-2 hours before use and stir well.
Use in clean irrigation systems only, as the product’s anti-clogging effect can release any deposits in the pipes, which can cause blockages in the system.
Do not mix with other P-containing compound fertilizers except of phosphoric acid
Do not mix with Ca-containing fertilizers.
This product is not recommended for application in soft water types or rainwater.
If you need more information, please contact your technical support.

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