A crucial crop nutrient for many aspects of crop development is Calcium. It’s vital for many aspects of crop development. It plays an extremely important role in the production of plant tissue and in improving plant growth. It is required for plant cell walls and membranes, contributing to the structure of cells and holding together the cell walls of plants. Calcium is crucial in activating certain enzymes and for the sending of signals that coordinate certain cellular activities.
Why is Calcium important?
Calcium contributes to cell wall formation and membrane integrity in plant cells. Adequate calcium levels promote sturdy plant structure, reducing the risk of diseases and pests. It enhances root growth which is essential for the normal development of a healthy root system to ensure crops can take up the air, water, and nutrients they need from the soil. Calcium also increases resistance to outside attack and increases the feed value of forage crops to livestock.
Calcium is also needed for cell division and elongation in growing tissue and hence is essential during seed germination and early growth stages. It also plays a critical role during flowering and fruit development.

Role of Calcium in Crop Production | ICL India
What are symptoms of calcium deficiency?
Crops lacking in calcium have poor root development and the demise of their root tips. Lack of calcium may leave the crops susceptible to ailments like black heart in celery, tip burn in cabbage, and blossom end rot in tomatoes.
Since calcium is immobile in plants, symptoms of a deficit will manifest on younger leaves if the supply of fresh calcium is cut off or restricted. The growing tip of new leaves may perish, and they have curled edges and distortions.

Symptoms of Calcium deficiency in Crops | ICL India
Regions in India that may experience low Calcium throuput for plants include:
High-Rainfall Areas: Calcium leaching, requiring supplementation.
Dry and Sandy Soils: Sandy soils often lack calcium.
For accurate information on calcium levels in specific regions of India, it’s best to conduct soil testing or consult ICL agricultural experts as soil nutrient content can vary even within small geographic areas.
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