Polysulphate boosts Cost Benefits on Banana
Kurundwad, Mohol, Solapur, Maharashtra 2020
Key Conclusions
In comparison with the existing farmer’s practice, the ICL practice which includes Polysulphate fertilizer, demonstrated a considerable increase in the stem girth, number of leaves, number of hands/bunch, number of fruit/hand, average bunch weight, and yield.
To evaluate the effect of Polysulphate on growth and yield parameters of Banana.
Trial Details
Trial station
Kurundwad, Mohol, Solapur, Maharashtra
Standard Polysulphate
Stem girth, number of leaves, number of hands/bunch, number of fruits/hand, average bunch weight, and yield
• Farmer Practice: 468N: 373P: 583K: 33S
(Urea 750Kg + MOP 500Kg + SSP 250Kg + 12:32:16 – 750Kg + 19:19:19 – 75Kg + MAP75Kg + MKP 63Kg + NOP 75Kg + SOP 188Kg) /ha
• ICL Practice: 468N: 373P: 618K: 68S: 31CaO: 10MgO
(Urea 750Kg + MOP 500Kg + SSP 250Kg + 12:32:16 – 750Kg + 19:19:19 – 75Kg + MAP 75Kg + MKP 63Kg + NOP 75Kg + SOP 188Kg) + Polysulphate 187Kg) /ha
• Farmer Practice: 468N: 373P: 583K: 33S
(Urea 750Kg + MOP 500Kg + SSP 250Kg + 12:32:16 – 750Kg + 19:19:19 – 75Kg + MAP75Kg + MKP 63Kg + NOP 75Kg + SOP 188Kg) /ha
• ICL Practice: 468N: 373P: 618K: 68S: 31CaO: 10MgO
(Urea 750Kg + MOP 500Kg + SSP 250Kg + 12:32:16 – 750Kg + 19:19:19 – 75Kg + MAP 75Kg + MKP 63Kg + NOP 75Kg + SOP 188Kg) + Polysulphate 187Kg) /ha

Trials of Polysulphate on Banana saw a 17% increase in yield at Mohol, Maharashtra
The yield data reveals an increase in the average number of hands from 7 for the farmers’ practice to 9 for the ICL treatment containing Polysulphate. The average number of fruits per hand also increased from 18 for the farmers’ practice to 20 for the ICL treatment. The average bunch weights were 35.4 kg and 24.4 kg for the ICL and farmers’ practice, respectively. The yield/ha increased to 87.5 Mt/ha for the ICL treatment from 75 Mt/ha for the farmer’s practice. The additional returns/ha were Rs.1,00,000/- with an MCBR (Marginal Cost Benefit Ratio) of 16.67.