Use Polysulphate to Lower Farm Carbon Footprint

Polysulphate has the lowest carbon footprint when compared to alternatives, providing a simple way to reduce farming's impact on the environment.


As an increasing number of farmers are wanting to, and being encouraged to, reduce the carbon footprint of their farming activities, we can report that Polysulphate, from our premium crop nutrition collection, has a lower carbon footprint than alternatives.

Polysulphate provides many benefits for crops and farms including improved crop yield, crop quality, and returns on investment made in production. But the benefits go beyond that, according to a recent report. Polysulphate can also contribute to improving the farm’s environmental performance, a fact that is of interest to a rising proportion of food manufacturers, retailers, and consumers. A recent study shows that ICL’s Polysulphate fertilizer has the lowest carbon footprint compared to alternatives.

Multiple Reasons for Choosing this Multi-Nutrient Fertilizer

Along with prolonged multi-nutrient availability and ease of application to a wide range of crops, low carbon footprint is now another benefit of choosing and using Polysulphate, one of the ICL FertlizerpluS line of premium products.

A Fertilizer that Measures Up in Many Ways

Calculating a product’s carbon footprint is a complex task. Specialist company Filkin and CO EHS Limited were contracted to do the calculations for Polysulphate.

Measurements were made of all the processes from the polyhalite mine, where Polysulphate originates, through to storage. The results reveal that the carbon footprint of Polysulphate is lower than other common fertilizers and a fraction of the footprint of, for example, ammonium nitrate.

Crop-Friendly and Environmentally Friendly

The unit of measurement for carbon footprint is kg of carbon dioxide equivalent per kg (kg CO2e kg-1) of product. Compared with a wide range of equivalent fertilizers, Polysulphate has the lowest carbon footprint at 0.029 kg CO2e kg-1 of product. Such a low carbon footprint, less than 3% of ammonium nitrate’s carbon footprint, makes Polysulphate stand out as a prime eco-friendly choices for farmers looking to lower their carbon footprint.

Crop productivity and crop quality are the most well-known major benefits of applying Polysulphate. Now the added benefit of low carbon footprint is set to make Polysulphate a fertilizer of choice for those farmers carrying out carbon counting on their enterprise and wanting to lower their carbon footprint.


External references

Carbon Footprint Calculation by Sustainability and Waste Management Specialists Filkin and CO EHS Limited.