
Everything you need to know about growing plants from propagation

Grow, nurture, protect your propagated plants

Grower inspecting a propagated plant

Vegetative plant propagation is the process of replicating plant species from a singular parent plant, allowing growers and breeders to produce consistency within their plant stock from year to year. There are a number of plant propagation techniques, including micropropagation, division, budding, and grafting, but cuttings are  the easiest and  most popular.

Direct stick

For vigorous, easy to root species, rather than being struck into small cells cuttings can be struck into 9cm liners or even larger pots up to 1.5 litres. This shortens the production cycle and reduces costs. Many HNS plants grown for landscape planting can be grown this way, eg Rubus tricolor, Ivy (Hedera Helix Hibernica) and Cotoneaster dammeri. Pot Plants such as Geranium (Pelargonium) and Pot Mums (Chrysanthemum) can also be grown this way over a shorter crop cycle.

With this production system plants’ nutrient demands change dramatically over time. Initially a low nutrient growing media is required to encourage healthy roots. With a small cutting in a large pot, moss and algae growing on the surface of the growing media can be a problem. After rooting, the plant demand for nutrients will increase as the plant grows rapidly.

Nursery stick and forestry

Cuttings are typically struck into small cells in a humid environment often under mist, fog or contact polythene with bottom heat. Cool tops and warm feet to encourage rooting.

Initially a low nutrient growing media is required to encourage healthy roots. After rooting nutrients are required to develop buds and further roots, any check in plant development at this stage will lengthen the production time and reduce final plant quality. Water soluble feeds are quickly leached in this production system and likely to cause moss and algal growth.


ICL recommends using these products to grow, nurture and protect your propagation plants


ICL offers standard off the shelf solutions with its  Levington Advance Peat Reduced Pot and Bedding or  Levington Advance Sustain Peat Free Pot & Bedding as well as bespoke growing media mixes as required with Levington Advance Solutions


With its unique S – shaped nutrient release, Osmocote 5 5-6m starts slowly, the low conductivity is perfect to encourage rooting. The it starts to increase, giving the established plant, enhanced release optimizing growth and giving the best quality. Quality is enhanced by the OTEA enhanced trace element system which ensure optimum levels of trace elements are available to the plants roots giving the best leaf colour. For small cell volumes use Osmocote Exact Mini 5-6m.


To keep plants free of pest and diseases ICL offer Prestop within the growing media mixes to help prevent root disease and keep plants healthy.

ICL also have a the Vitalnova range of biostimulant to help boost plant health throughout the growing season.

Product name
More nutrients

Levington Pot & Bedding R-M2 is suitable is designed to grow a wide variety of bedding plants. M2 provides a good quality nutrient supply for feeding of up to four weeks.

Take complete control of your late spring potting with Osmocote® 5’s controlled-release technology. This 5th generation programmed release fertiliser technology provides your plants with sustained, safe, and efficient nutrition over a 5-6 month longevity period. Achieve the best possible plant colour, health, and growth by optimising the availability and uptake of trace elements with the OTEA-system.

Osmocote Exact Mini 3-4M (5-6 months) contains a full package of trace elements and magnesium.

Vitalnova Prime is derived from yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae). Yeast cell walls are rich in amino acids and peptides which are known to act as natural elicitors within the plant, stimulating the plants natural defences against environmental stresses (otherwise known as abiotic stress).

Vitalnova Guardian is a blend of naturally derived polyketides and foliar-applied nutrients essential for plant biofortification, formulated for immediate effect and rapid response in the face of external crop stresses. Well-nourished plants have a more effective defence system.

Vitalnova TriBoost is the new microbial inoculant which consists of enzymes three beneficial live cultures; Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecium and Lactobaillus plantarum. Each microbial strain has been selected for their beneficial properties with regards to soil health.


ICL offers standard off the shelf solutions with its Levington Advance Peat Reduced Seed and Modular or Levington Advance Sustain Peat free Modular Seed as well as bespoke Levington Advance Solutions growing media mixes as required, Bark or Perlite is often added when using mist.


Specifically developed for small cells, Osmocote Exact Mini has granules 5X smaller than Osmocote Exact, making mixing in growing media very safe and even in small plugs. A good distribution can be achieved even in volumes starting at 20 ml.

The Osmocote Exact Mini not only contains NPK but also Magnesium and Essential trace elements for optimum healthy growth.

Product name
More nutrients

Levington Advance Seed and Modular F2 growing media has a medium base level of fertiliser to meet the individual requirements of crops and their growing regimes. With its small particle size, H2Gro wetting agent and adjusted pH to the ideal level, plants will grow happily and healthily in Levington Advance.

Levington Advance Sustain Seed and Modular growing media has a base level of fertiliser to meet the individual requirements of crops and their growing regimes. With its small particle size, H2Gro wetting agent and adjusted pH to the ideal level, plants will grow happily and healthily in Levington Advance Sustain.

Osmocote Exact Mini 3-4M (3-4 months) has a complete package of trace elements and magnesium.

Osmocote Exact Mini 3-4M (5-6 months) contains a full package of trace elements and magnesium.

Vitalnova Prime is derived from yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae). Yeast cell walls are rich in amino acids and peptides which are known to act as natural elicitors within the plant, stimulating the plants natural defences against environmental stresses (otherwise known as abiotic stress).

Vitalnova Guardian is a blend of naturally derived polyketides and foliar-applied nutrients essential for plant biofortification, formulated for immediate effect and rapid response in the face of external crop stresses. Well-nourished plants have a more effective defence system.

Vitalnova TriBoost is the new microbial inoculant which consists of enzymes three beneficial live cultures; Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecium and Lactobaillus plantarum. Each microbial strain has been selected for their beneficial properties with regards to soil health.