Water is a vital element for the growth and development of all plants, including turfgrass. However, too much or too little water can have negative impacts on turf quality, including disease susceptibility, poor root development, and reduced stress tolerance. Therefore, effective water management is critical to ensure the production of premium quality turf.
At ICL, we understand the importance of water management in turfgrass production. That’s why we have developed a unique and flexible range of wetting agents and dew dispersants designed to optimize water and moisture management.
Our water management products include:
Our wetting agents and dew dispersants are specifically designed to improve soil and turf moisture retention, ensuring that water is distributed evenly throughout the root zone. This helps to reduce water stress and increase turf quality, while also minimising water usage and runoff. Our surfactants also have the ability to reduce surface tension, allowing water to penetrate deeper into the soil profile, promoting deeper and stronger root growth.
Our range of surfactants includes products such as H2Pro DewSmart, which is designed to effectively manage dew formation and reduce the risk of disease development.
By utilizing our range of wetting agents and dew dispersants, turf managers can optimize their water management strategy and ensure the production of premium quality turf. With our versatile and effective surfactant technologies, you can improve soil and turf moisture retention, reduce water stress, and promote deeper root growth, ultimately resulting in healthier and more resilient turfgrass.
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