Summer Bedding
Wide range of seed grown bedding plants potted from small plugs into modular packs and trays with quite small individual cells.
Grow, nurture, protect your summer bedding plants

Mixed plants in hanging baskets
Summer bedding is a big part of the UK and Ireland ornamental market, relatively quick to grow and as close to a fast-moving consumer product as this market has. As such this is high pressure on getting bedding out on time and to specifications which retailers demand. ICL has the ultimate solutions for perfect growth for all bedding growers needs in a variety of situations.
Tray bedding
A wide range of seed grown bedding plants potted from small plugs into modular packs and trays with quite small individual cells. Short term cropping typically 6-8 weeks depending on seasonal temperatures.
Initially a low nutrient growing media is required to encourage fast establishment and rooting of the plugs. Plants are potted weekly in batches and while supplementary WSF can be given, the various batches on the ground are at different stages with varying nutritional demands.
Pot bedding
Potted bedding plants provide instant colour to gardens across the UK and Ireland and are a firm favourite within the ornamentals market, making them extremely popular to grow and sell. With this in mind ICL provide some key products which help grow, nurture and protect these plants so they are of the best quality for sale.
Initially a low nutrient growing media is required to encourage fast establishment and rooting of the plugs. Plants are potted weekly in batches and while supplementary WSF can be given, the various batches on the ground are at different stages with varying nutritional demands.
Tubs and baskets
Baskets and tubs are generally planted up early in the spring using plugs. It is important not to overwater before they are established. Later on plants have a high nutritional and water need – particularly when grown in baskets.
Initially a low nutrient growing media is required to encourage fast establishment and rooting of the plugs. It is important not to overwater until plants are established. When nutrition and water demands rise, particularly in baskets, there is a high chance of leaching WSF.
ICL recommends using these products to grow, nurture and protect your summer bedding plants
ICL offers standard off the shelf solutions with its Levington Advance Peat Reduced Pot and Bedding or Levington Advance Sustain Peat Free Pot and Bedding growing media, as well as bespoke growing media mixes as required with Levington Advance Solutions
Osmocote Bloom, with its mini granules and High K formulation is perfectly suited for the optimum growth of bedding plants in packs for 10 to 12 weeks. It promotes compact growth and flowering with excellent foliage colour. With the Bloom incorporated into the growing media and providing nutrition, the plants can be grown with a drier irrigation regime reducing the need for plant growth regulators (PGR) and saving water in combination with H2Gro wetting agent.
To keep plants free of pest and diseases ICL offer Prestop within the growing media mixes to help prevent root disease and keep plants healthy, as well as Mainspring for protection from Western Flower Thrip.
ICL also have a the Vitalnova range of biostimulant to help boost plant health throughout the growing season.
ICL offers standard off the shelf solutions with its Levington Advance Peat Reduced Pot and Bedding or Levington Advance Sustain Peat Free Pot and Bedding growing media, as well as bespoke, Levington Advance Solutions, growing media mixes as required.
For standard crops up to 12 weeks use Osmocote Bloom, with its mini granules and High K formulation is perfectly suited for the optimum growth of bedding plants in packs. It promotes compact growth and flowering with excellent foliage colour. With the Bloom incorporated into the growing media and providing nutrition, the plants can be grown with a drier irrigation regime reducing the need for plant growth regulators (PGR) and saving water.
For longer crops or to give a longer nutrient supply to the end user use Osmocote High K 5-6m
To keep plants free of pest and diseases ICL offer Prestop within the growing media mixes to help prevent root disease and keep plants healthy, as well as Mainspring for protection from Western Flower Thrip.
ICL also have a the Vitalnova range of biostimulant to help boost plant health throughout the growing season.
ICL offers standard off the shelf solutions with its Levington Advance Peat Reduced Pot and Bedding or Levington Advance Sustain Pot and Bedding growing media, as well as bespoke, Levington Advance Solutions, growing media mixes as required.
With its unique dual coating, the release of Osmocote Exact High K matches plants’ demand. After establishment, there is enhanced Potassium release optimizing compact growth and flowering.
The release patterns of Osmocote Exact High K matches crop needs and gives further release during retail and the whole consumer phase, maintaining flowering through the season. Use 8-9m for Spring plantings and 5-6m for summer plantings.
Osmocote Exact High K not only contains NPK but also Magnesium and essential trace elements for optimum healthy growth.
To be used with a specific low nutrient growing media.
Adding H2Gro wetting agent will improve wetting up of the whole growing media volume and reduce water usage and nutrient leaching.
To keep plants free of pest and diseases ICL offer Prestop within the growing media mixes to help prevent root disease and keep plants healthy, as well as Mainspring for protection from Western Flower Thrip.
ICL also have a the Vitalnova range of biostimulant to help boost plant health throughout the growing season.