Guide to sustainable growing media

2 mins
Chloe Whiteside
ICL Ornamental Horticulture, Technical Area Sales Manager

As our industry seeks to reduce its reliance on peat and turns to more sustainable raw materials, it is vital growers understand where these materials come from, how they work and how to manage them to get the best results.  In this video recorded at ICL’s recent Hort Science Live Ireland event, held at Yellow Furze Nurseries near Dublin, ICL’s technical areas sales manager Chloe Whiteside discusses the pros and cons of different materials and explain how they are mixed to suit different plant types and growing systems.  

Chloe joined ICL in 2021 from ADAS, the UK’s largest independent agricultural and environmental consultancy, where she was a Trials Manager.  She is well known for her industry leading work for the Defra/AHDB/Industry funded research project ‘Transition to responsibly sourced growing media use in UK horticulture’ (CP138) – a 5-year project in which ICL was an industry stakeholder. As Trials Manager for the Bedding and Pot Plant Centre project, she has considerable practical experience working with wide ranging plant species on UK nurseries.  


Chloe Whiteside’s guide to sustainable growing media | HSO 2021