Dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa) occurs mid-spring to early autumn when an extended period of leaf wetness will encourage the disease.
Warm day temperatures and cool nights add to susceptibility. Most likely when nitrogen fertility is low and growth is poor. Varieties of red fescues, particularly slender creeping red fescue are the most susceptible grass species. Also those fescues found in sea-washed turf.
The main symptoms are numerous small (no more than 50 mm) bleached spots which may coalesce to form larger, irregular patches. Infected leaves appear water-soaked at first, then bleached. Leaf lesions have a characteristically bleached white centre with a reddish-brown border. White ‘cotton wool’ mycelium may be noted in early morning.
Recovery is usually rapid, as roots are not affected.
Maintaining adequate fertility is often the easiest method of preventing attacks.
Approved fungicides can control the disease.
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