Greater plantain identification and control

Effective strategies for identifying and managing Greater plantain in turf.

May 8, 2024
2 mins
Dr Andy Owen
International Technical Manager

Greater plantain Plantago major

Sometimes also referred to as broad-leaf plantain, this is a common weed of turf, especially in heavily used areas where the soil has become compact.


Large, ovate to rounded leaves with prominent veins on the underside, form a flat rosette that can easily tolerate close mowing.


Greater plantain leaf size comparison


Flower spikes are topped by a dense, green cone of small flowers which turns brown as seeds are produced.  They will usually be seen between May and September.

Growth habit

Greater plantain has a shallow but fibrous root system and is able to withstand regular disturbance caused by trampling or mowing.  It spreads by seed.


Plantago major

Conditions that favour its development

This weed thrives in neglected grass and/or high use areas, where sward health is poor and the soil has become compacted due to a lack of aeration.


Plantago major

Cultural control

Focus on maintaining a healthy, aerated soil, free of compaction to give the turf the best chance of out-competing this weed:

  • Mow regularly and at a sensible cutting height; establish a good fertiliser programme to support healthy growth and strong root development; water only if required; maintain good drainage and encourage organic matter breakdown with regular aeration and top dressing; rake/scarify to remove moss and encourage an upright growth habit.
  • Small plantain plants can be removed by hand using a knife but the weed will regenerate unless all the plant material is removed.
  • Aerate the soil regularly and to different depths to prevent the development of compaction. Pay particular attention to heavily used areas such as pathways. These areas may need additional decompaction treatments to keep soil compaction at bay.
  • Raking/brushing prior to mowing will help to lift flower spikes for removal when mowing.

Most selective weedkillers will provide effective control of Greater plantain.  Individual weeds can be spot treated successfully but where the infestation is widespread a blanket treatment would be more effective.

Selective herbicides should always be applied at a time when both the weed and grass are growing strongly (April- October).