Sierrablen Plus: A Success Story from Stratford Oaks Golf Club

How Sierrablen Plus Spring & Summer CalMag improved turf density and sustainability.

June 28, 2024
2 mins

James Cleaver, the Course Manager at Stratford Oaks Golf Club in Warwickshire, has seen excellent results since introducing ICL’s Sierrablen Plus Spring & Summer CalMag 23-0-5 controlled release fertiliser (CRF) to the club’s fairways nutrition programme two years ago.

After a consultation with Emma Kilby from ICL, James chose this product mainly for its controlled release formulation, which delivers nutrients for up to six months.

“This has kept nutrient levels steady throughout the spring and summer, reducing the number of applications needed and saving us a lot of time and labour,” James explains.

What are the benefits of Controlled Release Fertilisers?

CRFs are designed to release nutrients over a longer period, allowing for more targeted and precise application of nutrients to turfgrass. This is achieved through a coating process that helps regulate nutrient release, ensuring the turf receives all the nutrients it requires at the right time and in the right amounts.

Expert advice from ICL

Emma Kilby from ICL highlights additional benefits: “You can apply Sierrablen Plus Spring & Summer CalMag from early in the growing season right through to summer for over five months of sustained healthy plant growth, thanks to the controlled release of nitrogen.

The product also contains polyhalite, a mineral with four essential nutrients: potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sulphur, providing long-lasting nutrient benefits and making it particularly beneficial.”

Significant improvements in turf density

Since adopting Sierrablen Plus Spring & Summer CalMag, the improvements in turf density at Stratford Oaks Golf Club have been significant. “Our fairways used to be thin and struggled to recover post-winter, but we’ve seen noticeable enhancements,” James notes.

Membership feedback has been very positive. “Members have commented on how much better the fairways look and feel. We’re now able to refine the sward using verticutters and scarifiers, something we couldn’t do before.”

Environmental advantages of CRFs

Another important benefit of CRFs is their environmental advantage. They release nutrients slowly and steadily, minimising the risk of nutrient loss and leaching, and reducing potential environmental impact.

This aligns perfectly with Stratford Oaks Golf Club’s commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly golf course management.


In short, Sierrablen Plus Spring & Summer CalMag has proven to be a cost-effective and efficient solution for the fairways at Stratford Oaks Golf Club.

“Its ability to provide sustained nutrition, along with its environmental benefits, makes it a valuable tool in our turf management toolkit,” James concludes.