
Designed to prevent or reduce the formation of dew on the grass leaf.

H2Pro DewSmart is a dew dispersant for turf grass areas. It’s designed to prevent or reduce dew on the grass leaf. The product is ideal for use as part of an integrated disease management approach to help minimize the risk of disease outbreaks and improve turf health and quality. Our trials have shown that H2Pro DewSmart can significantly contribute to disease suppression as part of autumn integrated disease management programmes.

  • When used as part of an integrated disease management programme H2Pro DewSmart can help reduce the risk of disease attack

  • Safe formulation, specially formulated to avoid scorch

  • Up to 21 days longevity if applied in optimum conditions

  • Reduces the need for regular early morning switching of dew from greens

  • Greens can be clear of dew for a cleaner cut and for the early morning golfer

  • Formulation type Liquid

  • Technology Surfactant

  • Pack size 10 litre and 120 litre

  • Longevity Up to 21 days if applied in optimum conditions

  • Type Dew dispersant

Application rate: 10 L/ha
Water volume: 300-400 L/ha
Frequency: Every 14 days

Best performance is achieved when applied under optimum conditions. Apply to a dry surface. Cut or brush grass before foliar application. Use nozzles suitable for a foliar application.

Cut or brush grass before product application.
Apply DewSmart to a dry turf surface only; applying it to a wet surface will reduce efficacy.
Mix with a maximum of 400L/ha of water.
Apply mix with a standard boom sprayer. Use nozzles suitable for foliar applications.
Do not tank-mix DewSmart with any other product.
Turf should remain dry for 4 hours following application. Reduce the mowing frequency to prolong the product effects.

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