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Unlock your crop's full potential with Bioz® biostimulants

Bioz® Biostimulants

ICL’s Bioz® Biostimulants

ICL’s Bioz® Biostimulants represent our commitment to innovative solutions that maximize crop yields sustainably. Developed to enhance crop growth and performance, our are specifically designed to optimize productivity and unlock the full potential of your crops. Bioz® Diamond is currently registered for sale in the US. The full range of Bioz® biostimulants is coming soon!

  • Seed Treatments for Superior Establishment- Our advanced Bioz® seed treatments are engineered to improve crop establishment and performance right from the start. By providing essential nutrients and stimulating growth, our seed treatments lay the foundation for robust and thriving crops.
  • Improve Soil Health & Quality- Bioz® plays a crucial role in enhancing soil health and improving soil quality by boosting microbial diversity and stimulating root development. By fostering a greater root system and promoting increased microbial association, Bioz® enhances nutrient foraging and uptake efficiency. This leads to improved soil health and quality, healthy plant growth and optimized crop productivity.
  • Boosting Flowering, Fruit, and Seed Setting- With Bioz®, you have access to powerful products that optimize flowering, fruit, and seed setting. Our biostimulants have been carefully formulated to enhance these critical stages of plant development, resulting in improved crop quality, yield, and market value.
  • Stress Tolerance and Rapid Recovery- The impact on yield from periods of stress can be significant. That’s why we offer specialized products that boost crops’ tolerance to both biotic and abiotic stresses. Our biostimulants help plants adapt and overcome challenges such as heat, drought, and salinity, enabling them to thrive in adverse conditions. Additionally, our solutions promote rapid recovery from stress periods, ensuring your crops regain their vitality swiftly.
  • Enhancing Stress Tolerance and Recovery- Combat the impact of stress on yield and enhance crops’ tolerance to both biotic and abiotic stresses. Our bio stimulant solutions help plants establish strong roots and a thriving soil biome, so they can adapt and overcome challenges such as heat, drought, and salinity, promoting rapid recovery and ensuring vitality even in adverse conditions.
  • Tailored Solutions for Every Crop- Recognizing the unique needs of different crops, our Bioz® biostimulants can be easily integrated into a nutrient management plan to complement other inputs and meet your specific requirements. Whether you’re cultivating cereals, annual or perennial fruit crops, vegetables, cotton, or soybeans, our range of biostimulants is designed to help your crops achieve their maximum yield potential.


*Bioz® is a registered trademark of ICL Europe Cooperative UA


Latest addition to the Bioz® Range

Bioz® Diamond 10-0-1

Bioz® Diamond 10-0-1 biostimulant increases nutrient use efficiency and crop productivity. This powerful fulvic acid and yeast extract also contains carbon and nitrogen fertilizer. Bioz® Diamond 10-0-1 is a proven solution for improving early-season growth and nutrient acquisition, leading to increased crop yields.

Bioz® is a registered trademark of ICL Europe Cooperative UA


Bioz® biostimulant offers a variety of advantages for crops, promoting optimal growth from the start and aiding in recovery from stressful conditions. Some of the benefits of BIOZ include:

  • Enhanced seedling vigor

  • Enhanced root system

  • Improved plant metabolism

  • Improved nutrient use efficiency

  • Improved stress tolerance and rapid recovery from stress periods

  • Healthier soil and plants

  • Increased budding of flowers and fruit

  • Increased fruit yield and quality

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Agrolution pHLow

A dual-purpose water-soluble fertilizer that tackles water quality challenges and supplies high phosphorus plus zinc

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