Potato Polysulphate Trial in Michigan
Marshall, Michigan, USA 2021
Key Conclusions
Compared to GSP, Polysulphate (320 lbs/a) increases quality and yield on Manistee potatoes by 22.1% for enhanced grower profitability, including longer-term storage for chip processing.
Evaluate performance of Polysulphate on tuber yield and quality (Manistee potatoes) when applied at planting in Michigan on an oshetemo sandy loam.
Trial Details
Trial station
Marshall, Michigan, USA
Tuber yield and quality.
- Grower standard practice (GSP) consisted of 10 gallons of 10-34-0 + 360 lbs of pelletized Gypsum (Pel Gyp) in-furrow at planting and MOP applied preplant.
- Polysulphate treatment consisted of the GSP with either 360 or 720 lbs/acre of Polysulphate with the amount of CaSO4 and MOP being adjusted to match total applied K2O across all treatments.
- Treatments were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with six replications.
- Trials were planted in the same field with a long crop rotation to replicate regional grower standard practice for Manistee chips.
- Grower standard practice (GSP) consisted of 10 gallons of 10-34-0 + 360 lbs of pelletized Gypsum (Pel Gyp) in-furrow at planting and MOP applied preplant.
- Polysulphate treatment consisted of the GSP with either 360 or 720 lbs/acre of Polysulphate with the amount of CaSO4 and MOP being adjusted to match total applied K2O across all treatments.
- Treatments were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with six replications.
- Trials were planted in the same field with a long crop rotation to replicate regional grower standard practice for Manistee chips.
- Polysulphate application increased total tuber yield and quality compared to the grower standard practice (GSP)
- Polysulphate at 320 lbs/A resulted in a 22.1% increase in #1s and 14.2% increase in total yield, improving farm gate economics and storage potential for processors.