Polysulphate on Sugarcane


Sugar Yield (ton/A)
Polysulphate as a sulfur source can improve sugarcane yields and quality

St. Gabriel Research Station, LA



Sugar Yield (ton/A)

Key Conclusions

Polysulphate was shown to be an excellent sulfur source for sugarcane production.

  • Polysulphate improved both yield and quality
  • Polysulphate applied at 100 lbs./A increased cane, sugar, total recovery sugar (TRS), brix, and sucrose yield over the grower standard practice (GSP).


Evaluate the effects of Polysulphate® as a sulfur source on sugarcane yield and quality.


  • Cane yield
  • Sugar yield
  • TRS
  • Brix
  • Sucrose

Trial Details

Trial station

St. Gabriel Research Station, LA




Yield & Quality


This randomized complete block trial consisted of four (4) replicates with three (3) treatments (see below).

Nitrogen (N) applied as UAN; Potassium (K) applied as Muriate of Potash (potassium chloride); Sulfur (S) applied as Polysulphate (K:14%, Ca: 12%, Mg: 3.6 %, S: 19%)

Fertilizer was applied by cutting both shoulders of each bed open and UAN dribbled in, after the application the beds were closed. Polysulphate was broadcast applied on top of the bed. All applications were done in March 2023.

  1. Unfertilized (control)
  2. Grower Standard Practice (GSP): N: 120 lbs./A and K: 80 lbs./A, No S
  3. GSP + Polysulphate at 100 lbs./A: N: 120 lbs./A, K: 94 lbs./A, S: 19 lbs./A, Mg: 3.6 lbs./A, Ca: 12 lbs./A

Soil Type

  • Commerce silty clay loam.
  • Soil test: P -48, K-164, Ca -2197, Mg- 545, S-11, and Zn-4 ppm

Trial Dates:

  • Planting: Fall 2021
  • Applications: March 2023
  • Harvest: October 18, 2023




This randomized complete block trial consisted of four (4) replicates with three (3) treatments (see below).

Nitrogen (N) applied as UAN; Potassium (K) applied as Muriate of Potash (potassium chloride); Sulfur (S) applied as Polysulphate (K:14%, Ca: 12%, Mg: 3.6 %, S: 19%)

Fertilizer was applied by cutting both shoulders of each bed open and UAN dribbled in, after the application the beds were closed. Polysulphate was broadcast applied on top of the bed. All applications were done in March 2023.

  1. Unfertilized (control)
  2. Grower Standard Practice (GSP): N: 120 lbs./A and K: 80 lbs./A, No S
  3. GSP + Polysulphate at 100 lbs./A: N: 120 lbs./A, K: 94 lbs./A, S: 19 lbs./A, Mg: 3.6 lbs./A, Ca: 12 lbs./A

Soil Type

  • Commerce silty clay loam.
  • Soil test: P -48, K-164, Ca -2197, Mg- 545, S-11, and Zn-4 ppm

Trial Dates:

  • Planting: Fall 2021
  • Applications: March 2023
  • Harvest: October 18, 2023




  • The addition of Polysulphate to GSP fertilization program showed a positive trend towards increasing cane tonnage in addition to:
    • sugar by more than 5%
    • brix by more than .5%
    • sucrose by more than .9%
    • total recovery sugar yield by more than 7%
  • Residual S levels increased after harvest by over 100% from the use of Polysulphate

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