Polysulphate Potato Trial on Sandy Loam Soil


Yield increase
Polysulphate increased total potato yield by 17.6% with reduced fertilizer costs per acre in Michigan, USA trial

Entrican, Michigan, USA



Yield increase

Key Conclusions

Polysulphate improves grower profitability through both increased yield as well as potentially reduced fertilizer cost per acre.


To investigate the effect of Polysulphate fertilizer as a nutrient source for production of ‘Lamoka’ potatoes in comparison to a grower standard practice consisting of gypsum (calcium sulfate) and MOP.

Trial Details

Trial station

Entrican, Michigan, USA




Total tuber yield.


  • All treatments received 244 lb N, 79 lb P2O5, and 200 lb K2O per acre.
  • The grower standard practice (GSP) included gypsum (1000 lb/A) and MOP (323 lb/A).
  • A gypsum only treatment was included for comparison. – Granular Polysulphate was applied at rates of either 357 or 720 lb per acre with the remaining potassium requirement supplied with MOP.
  • The treatments were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with four replications.


  • All treatments received 244 lb N, 79 lb P2O5, and 200 lb K2O per acre.
  • The grower standard practice (GSP) included gypsum (1000 lb/A) and MOP (323 lb/A).
  • A gypsum only treatment was included for comparison. – Granular Polysulphate was applied at rates of either 357 or 720 lb per acre with the remaining potassium requirement supplied with MOP.
  • The treatments were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with four replications.


  • Polysulphate application increased total tuber yield compared to the grower standard practice (GSP)
  • Despite containing 189 lb/A less Ca and 117 lb/A less S compared to the application rate of gypsum used, Polysulphate increased yield compared to the GSP
  • Polysulphate at 357 lb/A resulted in a 17.6% increase that was statistically significant.
  • This study demonstrates that nutrient source is important for optimizing potato yield and fertilizer return-on-investment.

Polysulphate on Potatoes
Marshall, Michigan, USA, 2021


Marketable yields increase
Polysulphate on Potatoes
Vandermeere, North Carolina, USA, 2021


Marketable yield increase