Win the war against dry-out with H2Pro
Cost saving, long lasting hydration
H2Pro® Greenhouse and Nursery wetting agents provide maximum hydration of soilless media by optimizing the penetration and water-holding capacity. The moisture distributing action decreases irrigation frequency, treats dry spots, and helps prevent wilting during and after production.
H2Pro is available in both liquid and granular formulations. It can be applied during soil blending, or any time during production, right up through shipping. At high rates, H2Pro’s rewetting ability can continue up to a year—long enough for the entire production cycle, and right through to the retail environment.
Other advantages include:
- optimizes moisture penetration and distribution in the root zone of container plants
- effects are rate related allowing the grower to match crop cycle length and longevity
- retains performance even after repeated wet-dry cycles or if media is stored for months prior to use
- reduces losses due to dry down in the post-production, retail, or home environment
- eliminates or reduces dry spots and perched water tables in pots
- creates a stronger root zone environment
Liquid and granular formulations
High efficiency H2Pro Liquid is designed for use when mixing potting soil or any time during production. This versatile formula can be applied alone or mixed in stock tanks with other products and applied through an irrigation system. It can also be used in misting systems to keep fresh cuttings hydrated. H2Pro Granular is ideal for growers who prefer the convenience of media blending. It can also be surface applied to containers during production, or prior to shipment.
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