
Găsirea produselor

Do not know which product is right for you? Try our matching calculator

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Găsirea produselor

Do not know which product is right for you? Try our matching calculator

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Găsirea produselor

Do not know which product is right for you? Try our matching calculator

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Găsirea produselor

Do not know which product is right for you? Try our matching calculator

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Tehnologii de îngrășăminte
Găsirea produselor

Do not know which product is right for you? Try our matching calculator

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Găsirea produselor

Do not know which product is right for you? Try our matching calculator

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Do not know which product is right for you? Try our matching calculator

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Găsirea produselor

Do not know which product is right for you? Try our matching calculator

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Îngrășăminte cu eliberare controlată
Găsirea produselor

Do not know which product is right for you? Try our matching calculator

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Îngrășăminte solubile în apă
Găsirea produselor

Do not know which product is right for you? Try our matching calculator

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Găsirea produselor

Do not know which product is right for you? Try our matching calculator

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Găsirea produselor

Do not know which product is right for you? Try our matching calculator

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// $('.load-more-btn').html('//'); // $('.load-more-btn-wrapper').css({ // 'display': 'block', // }); // $('.load-more-btn').css({ // 'display-events': 'initial' // }); $('.view_total').text(count + offset); $('.total_trials').text(totalCount); $(".all-trials .trial").addClass("element-show"); } offset = offset + 15; isFetching = false; }, complete: function(res) { filter_changed = false; $(".select2-results__option").removeClass("loading-trials"); $('.all-trials a.trial').on("click", function (e) { var cord_y = e.pageY; var pagePercent = cord_y / pageHeight; var linkText = $(this).text(); customGA('send', { event: "contentInteraction", action: "click", segment: pageSegment, brand: "other", product: "other", pageType: "Trials", clickText: linkText? linkText.trim() : "No text", pageDepth: pagePercent }) }); $(".load-more-btn-wrapper svg").hide(); } }); }, 100) } filter_changed = true; refresh_posts(); let originalFilters = { brand: [], crop: [], country: [] }; filterWasChanged = function (filterType, selectedValue) { noMorePosts = false; 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let cord_y = $(cropTyperId).offset().top; let pagePercent = cord_y / pageHeight; customGA('send', { event: "filterInteraction", action: "remove", segment: pageCat, pageType: "Trials results", name: cropTypeName, pageDepth: pagePercent }) } originalFilters["crop"] = selectedValue; break; case "country": let selectedCountry = originalFilters["country"] .filter(x => !selectedValue.includes(x)) .concat(selectedValue.filter(x => !originalFilters["country"].includes(x))); if (selectedValue.length >= originalFilters["country"].length) { // added let countryId = 'li[id$="-' + selectedCountry[0] + '"]'; let countryName = $(countryId).text(); let cord_y = $(countryId).offset().top; let pagePercent = cord_y / pageHeight; customGA('send', { event: "filterInteraction", action: "add", segment: pageCat, pageType: "Trials results", name: countryName, pageDepth: pagePercent }) } else { let countryId = 'li[id$="-' + selectedCountry[0] + '"]'; let countryName = $(countryId).text(); let cord_y = $(countryId).offset().top; let pagePercent = cord_y / pageHeight; customGA('send', { event: "filterInteraction", action: "remove", segment: pageCat, pageType: "Trials results", name: countryName, pageDepth: pagePercent }) } originalFilters["country"] = selectedValue; break; } }; $('.filter-brand, .filter-crop, .filter-country') .on('change', function() { if($(this).val() == ['select-all']) return; filter_changed = true; all_filters[$(this).data('filter')] = $(this).val(); filterWasChanged($(this).data('filter'), $(this).val()); refresh_posts(); setTimeout(function (){ $(".all-trials .trial").addClass("element-show") },1000) }); // $('.load-more-btn').on('click', function() { // refresh_posts(); // }); let timer; const debounce = (func, delay) => { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(func, delay); }; const postsContainer = document.querySelector('.all-trials'); // Event listener for infinite scroll window.addEventListener('scroll', () => { // Get the bounding rectangle of the Load More button const postsContainerRect = postsContainer.getBoundingClientRect(); // Check if the button is visible in the viewport if (!noMorePosts && postsContainerRect.bottom <= window.innerHeight + 50 && !isFetching) { $(".load-more-btn-wrapper svg").show(); debounce(()=> { refresh_posts(); }, 100); // $(".load-more-btn-wrapper svg").hide(); } }); }); -->