High P 12-52-5+TE

Relieve stress in your plants with phosphate








Agroleaf® Power High P is a foliar feed containing soluble phosphate to support tuber initiation and better root development. Formulated from the cleanest raw materials its purity makes it completely soluble in cold water, delivering a fast crop response and eliminating any risk of spray blockage. Agroleaf® Power High P is compatible with a wide range of crop protection sprays. High P is best applied to young plants after root growing has finished and phosphate uptake by the roots becomes limited.

  • Provides soluble phosphate with optimal uptake

  • Ideal for tuber initiation and root development

  • Highly concentrated so less product to handle

  • Very quick response time, so ideal as a curative foliar feed

Dissolve 1-1.5 kg per hectare for outdoor applications.
We recommend a 0.3% solution for greenhouse application.

Trial first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables, As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

Apply under high pressure.
Can be mixed with many fungicides/insecticides. Ask your distributor for information.
For all mixes with chemicals, do a small trial before using on a large scale. Check response in two or three days.
Avoid spraying in periods of unfavorable conditions (for example bright sunlight, high midday temperatures, and high evaporation periods).

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