Norway Spruce and Agroblen®


Taller trees
Agroblen® increased Norway Spruce (Picea abies) height by 38% and root collar diameter by 43%.

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Asa Research Station



Taller trees

Key Conclusions

Over the 2½ year trial, Norway Spruce trees fertilised with Agroblen® outperformed those receiving the grower practice. The trees were 38% taller and grew faster, helping them out-compete weeds and reducing animal damage. In addition, the root collar growth was higher, with the overall diameter up by 43%.


To evaluate the performance of Agroblen®, as fully coated NPK, on establishment of Norway Spruce (Picea abies) over the 2½ years following planting.

Trial Details

Trial station

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Asa Research Station






Plant height, and root collar diameter


This trial, comparing Agroblen® application with the standard grower practice, was set up in a randomised block design with 3 repetitions. Agroblen® 9-20-8+3MgO+0.1B | 8-9M was applied in the planting holes at the time of planting.

TreatmentProductDosageTiming of application
Grower Practice
30 grams/plantAt planting, in planting holes


This trial, comparing Agroblen® application with the standard grower practice, was set up in a randomised block design with 3 repetitions. Agroblen® 9-20-8+3MgO+0.1B | 8-9M was applied in the planting holes at the time of planting.

TreatmentProductDosageTiming of application
Grower Practice
30 grams/plantAt planting, in planting holes


  • Increases plant height: Agroblen® increased plant height by 24 cm (38%) compared to Grower Practice. The extra growth helped increase survival rate of the plants, avoiding severe damage caused by animals (moose and deer) or weeds.
  • Increases root collar diameter: After the first growing season, seedlings fertilised with Agroblen® had significantly larger root collar diameter compared to Grower Practice. This trend was observed in both the second and third growing seasons, increasing the overall root collar diameter by 43%.
  • Stimulates root collar growth: Plants fertilised with Agroblen® reached a 10mm root collar diameter up to 1 year faster than Grower Practice. Such an increase could potentially avoid one extra treatment against pine weevil.


Agroblen® increased Norway Spruce height by 38% compared to the growers practice.


Agroblen® increased Norway Spruce root collar diameter by 43% compared to the growers practice.


Agroblen increased Norway Spruce tree height by 38% compared to the Grower Practice.

Agroblen® increased Norway Spruce tree height by 38% compared to the Grower Practice.

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Proefcentrum Zwaagdijk, The Netherlands, 2015


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