What is Professional Growing Media?
Professional growing media in ornamental horticulture are specialised substrate blends designed for optimal plant growth, often used in controlled environments like nurseries.
ICL provides professional growing media to the UK and Ireland market, with the go to brand in the industry, Levington. ICL has (under various guises) supplied growing media to the UK horticulture market for over 50 years.
What Professional Growing Media does ICL offer?
Levington Advance Solutions
The ultimate customer mix programme
Introducing ICL Professional Horticulture’s Levington Advance Solutions (LAS) – Your Path to Sustainable Growth and high-quality plants throughout the growing season.
Levington Advance Solutions offers a total solutions package for your professional plants. Backed by cutting-edge technical products such as Osmocote controlled release fertilisers, this package is seamlessly integrated with the choice of Levington Advance (peat-based) and/or Levington Advance Sustain (peat-free) growing media.
These high end technical products are coupled with unrivalled technical excellence, provided by ICL’s experienced and qualified team of horticultural experts.
Levington Advance Solutions stands as the quintessential custom mix program to propel your horticultural pursuits.
Levington Advance Sustain
ICL’s Levington Advance Sustain provides growers with the ultimate in sustainable growing media. Carefully produced for the professional growing industry, ICL has a range of products that can be used in a wide variety of cropping situations.
Levington Advance
The Levington Advance range of standard growing media includes the finest ingredients which have been developed and tested over time to provide plants with an environment they will love to grow in. This range of peat & peat-reduced growing media provides solutions for a wide variety of crop types from seed and modular to container nursery stock.
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