New finer Fibagro Advance grades solve peat-free propagation issues

2 mins

ICL’s two new breakthrough woodfibre grades — ‘Fibagro Advance Fine’ and ‘Fibagro Advance Super Fine’ — are set to solve the challenges of peat-free and peat reduced plant propagation, while offering the potential for faster and improved rooting, producing stronger plugs.

While UK ornamental growers have significantly reduced their reliance on peat, and with many already producing quality plants peat-free, propagation remained one of the final pieces of the jigsaw.

The issue to overcome has largely been physical – the size of the cells to be filled. Propagation mixes need to flow readily through standard tray filling machinery, consistently and evenly filling every small cell. This precludes the use of bark and standard/coarse woodfibre grades.  Meanwhile, when it comes to propagation and the delicate nature of seedlings, with coir there can be issues around volume, price, availability and EC levels.

Enhanced root development

Following extensive R&D, and major capital investment at our UK growing media facility, we have taken the lead producing two innovative, finer Fibagro Advance grades.

With our new bespoke Levington Advance Sustain peat-free propagation mixes, plant propagators and growers with in-house propagation units can transition using their existing potting machinery and tray systems, without necessitating major capital outlay. With a similar bulk weight density to peat, these new peat-free propagation mixes have a higher nutrient holding capacity, are naturally warmer and are drier on the surface.  As a result, growers are reporting enhanced root development.

Screening and blending woodfibre fractions

Looking at the bigger picture, these new finer grades complement our existing ‘Fibagro Advance Standard’ and ‘Fibagro Advance Coarse’ — creating four distinct grades. These effectively replace the four peat grades the ornamentals industry has relied on in the past.

Replicating quality peat-based growing media, ICL is leading the way screening and blending different Fibagro Advance woodfibre fractions, optimising the performance of its standard bagged and bespoke Levington Advance peat-reduced and Levington Advance Sustain peat-free mixes.

Technical additives enhancing performance

In general, peat-free mixes have lower water holding capacity and higher N leaching potential and pH levels. In response, ICL has pioneered innovative technical additives to enhance professional growing performance in sustainable mixes. This enables growers to optimise nutritional performance while minimising leaching.

ICL also offers excellent nutrition packages, featuring the latest generation Osmocote 5 controlled release NPK fertiliser with trace elements.  In addition, our fully coated Osmocote N (35-0-5) and granular slow release Osmoform High N (38-0-0) are helping improve overall plant performance, while reducing growers’ reliance on Calcium Nitrate – helping minimise leaching. For water soluble fertiliser options, there is our extensive Peters and Universol ranges, including formulations for hard and soft water.

Improving water management

ICL has set out to provide a full package of technical solutions, optimising plant quality in sustainable growing media. Our 3-in-1 wetting agent H2Gro is playing a key role improving water management – in particular helping overcome any hydrophobicity issues relating to wood-based products. Meanwhile, our microbial inoculant, Vitalnova TriBoost, promotes healthy microbiomes. Stimulating natural processes, this proven biostimulant helps boost plant vitality optimising quality, while minimising losses and can be pre-incorporated into growing media mixes or simply applied as a drench.