Fibagro Advance is a perfect base for peat free growing media as well as complementing peat for peat reduced plant production. Manufactured from FSC certified raw materials, Fibagro Advance is created from wood chips which are thermo-mechanically processed. During this process the wood chips are put through extremely high temperatures allowing unwanted substances to escape as gas, ensuring that Fibagro Advance is free of any kind of chemical or physical additive and is sterile.
100% natural and biodegradable
Fibagro Advance degrades after use, without any residues.
Healthy and reliable
The defibration process ensures a safe, constant quality with structural stability.
Ecological and economic
Fibagro Advance is a fully renewable raw material which utilises a by-product of the timber industry sourced from sustainable forests. Moreover, Fibagro Advance is compressible and due to its low bulk density, transport costs are optimised.
Reduced leaching
High Air Filled Porosity for good rooting and drainage
Improved Water Holding capacity making it easier to manage plants throughout
Great structure that doesnt allow mixes to 'slump' in the pots
Has a stable nitrogen profile
Fully sterilised - heat treated
Manufactured from UK FSC certified and sustainable raw materials
Combined with the strong nutrition packages of ICL, Fibagro Advance can be used in high percentages in mixes providing a robust and cost efficient diluent of peat.