Fungus Gnat Seeka

Powerful biological control against Fungus Gnat larvae

Fungus Gnat Seeka, powered by BASF technology, is based on the beneficial nematode Steinernema feltiae. It provides control of fungus gnat larvae (Sciaridae spp. or more commonly knownas Sciarid Fly) as well as Western Flower Thrips. Eliminate damage to the seedlings with an environmental friendly product that is also safe to the user.

  • Fast and effective natural control

  • The most robust and efficacious nematode product on the market for fungus gnat control

  • Control achieved at all times when the pest larvae are active

  • No pest resistance problems

  • Gives high levels of control between 10°C and 30°C

PestApplication MethodApplication VolumeApplicationDosePack Size 50 MillionPack Size 250 Million
Sciarids/ Fungus GnatSoil drench1 litre/m2Propagation500,000/m2100m2500m2
Sciarids/ Fungus GnatSoil drench2 litre/m2Preventative Curative500,000m2 1,000,000m2100m2 50m2500m2 250m2
WFT pupaeSoil drench2 litre/m2Preventative Curative125,000/m2 250,000/m2400m2 200m22,000m2 1,000m2
WFT larvaeFoliar contact0.1 litre/m2 (+/- to ensure leaf coverage without runoff)Preventative Curative125,000/m2 250,000/m2400m2 200m22,000m2 1,000m2
LeafminerFoliar contact0.1 litre/m2 (+/- to ensure leaf coverage without runoff)Curative250,000/m2200m21,000m2
Tuta absoluta Foliar contact400 - 4000 litres/haCurative1,000,000/litre50 L250 L
Application Method
Application Volume
Pack Size 50 Million
Pack Size 250 Million

Remove all fine filters (50 mesh or smaller) from the application equipment
Partly fill the tank with cool, clean water. Start the agitator and keep running until application is completed
Empty one tray into a bucket and add a minimum of 10 litres of water
Stir the contents thoroughly making sure the entire product is mixed
Add nematode suspension into the spray tank through its sieve
Fill spray tank to the required water level
Apply dose immediately to the whole crop at the appropriate rate

Drench application: preferred method, especially where crop canopy is dense.

Soil or media temperatures should be between 10°C and 30°C for at least two weeks after application

The soil or media should be moist

Routinely treat new material coming onto the nursery that may contain fungus gnat larvae

If product is applied over foliage, irrigate immediately with water to wash the nematodes into the growing media

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