SilK – slow release potassium and silica matrix – is a technology developed by ICL and unique to SierraformGT that delivers potassium and Silica in a controlled way.
It reduces the loss of potassium through leaching and helps maintain a continuous supply of potassium and silica to the grass plant. Research has shown that as a result, turf is better able to tolerate wear stress, drought conditions and disease pressure.
The slow release potassium source in SierraformGT provides a gradual release of Potassium over time. This means that potassium losses are limited in terms of leaching and excessive uptake by the plant, which means that there is more available in the soil for the plant at a later date.
As the potassium is continuously released over time, it has the effect of spoon feeding the turf the correct level of K without the risk of over or under feeding or lock up within the soil.
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