Dandelion identification and control
Effective strategies for identifying and managing dandelions in turf.
Dandelion Taraxacum officinalis
A persistent, broadleaf perennial weed that can grow in any soil and commonly found in turf.
The dandelion has a low growth habitat. Leaves are soft, hairless and mid-dark green in colour and are arranged in a tight cluster at the base of the plant to form a rosette shape. Leaves are pinnately lobed, with lobes on either side of the central axis like a feather.

Dandelion leaf size comparison
The large, bright yellow flowers are easily recognisable and are borne on a pinkish coloured and hollow flower stalk. Usually seen between March and October the flowers are 2.5-5 cm in diameter and turn into white puffballs of seed if left to persist.
Growth habit
A low growing perennial weed, with a deep tap root able to extend to around 60 cm deep if left unchecked. The taproot can survive in the soil throughout the winter, even without leaves, and will produce new growth in spring if not removed. It can also regrow from a small fragment if not removed in its entirety.

Conditions that favour its development
Dandelions are widespread and do well in almost all conditions.
Cultural control
Cultural control of dandelions is difficult once plants are established due to their long taproot, quick flowering and copious seed production.
- Remove new plants early using a knife or similar tool, ensuring that all roots are removed.
- Do not allow to flowerheads to develop and set seed.
- Removing larger isolated specimens is possible but will result in significant damage to the lawn area and it can be difficult to remove all root material to prevent regeneration of the plant.
As for other broadleaf weed control, ensure that you encourage good sward density to minimise weed seed germination:
- Mow regularly and at a sensible cutting height; establish a good fertiliser programme to support healthy growth and strong root development; water only if required; maintain good drainage and encourage organic matter breakdown with regular aeration and top dressing; rake/scarify to remove moss and encourage an upright growth habit.
Chemical control
There are many broadleaf, selective herbicides which will control dandelion. For optimum results apply when plants are actively growing, usually between April and October. Repeat if necessary.