How to use the AccuPro DROP spreader

Our step-by-step guide to using the AccuPro DROP

October 1, 2024
2 mins

The AccuPro DROP is designed for the ultra-accurate application of grass seed, conventional release granular fertilisers and granular wetting agents to turf. To optimise the effectiveness of the spreader, follow the guide below.

Before using for the first time, and periodically after that, check that the left and right sides of the spreader are aligned (see calibration section).

Step 1. Pre-use inspection

Before using the spreader, thoroughly inspect it to ensure it is clean and free from debris from previous use.

Step 2. Material check

 Check the material to be used is in good condition, free-flowing and compatible with a precision drop spreader.

 Step 3. Setting the aperture

  1. Place the on/off lever in the closed position (towards the handle grips)
  2. Loosen the centre thumb screw on the orange SmartDial™, allowing the dial to turn.
  3. Rotate the SmartDial™ to the desired position for the required application rate, using the 1 to 25 scale.
  4. Once the required application rate number is lined up against the arrow on the hopper, turn the thumb screw clockwise to lock the setting in place.
  5. For more information on application rates for specific ICL products, visit your local ICL website or consult ICL appointed retailers.

Step 4. Filling the hopper

  1. Ensure the control lever remains in the off/closed position (towards the handle grips) before filling the hopper.
  2. Fill the hopper uniformly across its entire width.
  3. Always fill the hopper in a safe area, away from places where accidental spills could cause damage.

Step 5. Spreading material

  1. The spreader should be pushed at a brisk walking speed of approximately 5 km/h.
  2. Before treating the area, apply a single header strip at each end of the area to be treated.
  3. Push the on/off lever forward to open the aperture while simultaneously starting to move forward.
  4. At the end of each run, close the aperture by pulling the on/off lever back to the closed position.
  5. The spreader applies material between the wheels, so overlapping is necessary. Make sure to overlap the wheel tracks on each return pass to avoid striping.

Step 6: Cleaning and after-use instructions

Always empty any leftover product from the spreader after completing the application. Dispose of any excess material properly.

  1. To empty unused material from the hopper, invert the spreader. Additional action may be needed to clear any remaining material.
  2. Rotate the orange SmartDial™ to the fully open setting (25). Slightly lift the left wheel and rotate it to turn the agitator and eject any trapped product. Repeat this process with the right wheel to clear any trapped product on that side.
  3. Thoroughly wash the hopper with clean water, paying special attention to the area around the two agitator bars inside the hopper and the on/off shutter bar.

Ensure the hopper is completely dry before using the spreader again.