The importance of our technical values

At ICL, we are committed to maintaining rigorous technical values, ensuring exceptional product performance while upholding principles of sustainability and responsible turf management

April 24, 2024
2 mins

In this article we delve deeper into these core technical values that shape our approach and explore their significance.

Products that perform

Central to our philosophy is our commitment to delivering products that perform. We develop and test each product against stringent criteria to ensure effectiveness and reliability.

We recognise that professionals in turf management depend on our products to consistently promote turf health and resilience. This commitment is evidenced by our ongoing investment in trials, research, and development, ensuring that our solutions effectively address the daily challenges faced by turf managers.

All claims based on research

We stand firmly behind the integrity of our products, grounding all claims in thorough, scientifically rigorous research.

This research-driven approach is crucial not only for developing effective products but also for maintaining trust and transparency with our customers.

By basing product claims on solid research, we ensure that turf professionals have accurate and reliable information to make informed decisions. Our commitment to evidence-based solutions helps set industry standards for product efficacy and safety.

Conscious of our impact

We are acutely aware of the environmental impact of our products and practices.

We are committed to responsibly reducing our ecological footprint throughout the lifecycle of our products. Our focus on efficient resource management and waste reduction is part of our ongoing quest for innovative methods to enhance environmental sustainability.

This approach maintains a careful balance between delivering high-quality products and fulfilling our sustainable responsibilities, demonstrating our proactive stance in addressing environmental concerns while meeting the modern demands of turf management.

Progressive and responsible advice

We are dedicated to leading not only in the development of innovative products but also in delivering insightful, sustainable agronomic advice.

By staying ahead of industry trends and preparing for future challenges, we introduce cutting-edge agronomic solutions that adhere to best practices. Our approach positions us as a trusted adviser, committed to advancing both sustainable practices and effective turf management.


Our dedication to technical excellence is a cornerstone of our reputation as a trusted industry leader.

By prioritising products that perform, basing all claims on solid research, being conscious of environmental impacts, and providing progressive, responsible advice, we not only meet the current needs of turf professionals but also pave the way towards a more sustainable and innovative future.

For professionals in turf and landscape, choosing ICL means partnering with a company committed to excellence and responsible environmental stewardship.