Understanding NTEP Turfgrass Ratings

A Guide for Professional Turf Grass Managers in the UK and Ireland

June 10, 2024
2 mins

Introduction to NTEP

The National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) is an invaluable resource for turfgrass professionals aiming to achieve the highest standards in quality and performance.

While NTEP is primarily based in the United States, its comprehensive research is highly relevant to turfgrass managers in the UK and Ireland, providing key insights into selecting the best grass varieties.

What Are NTEP Ratings?

NTEP ratings come from rigorous testing and evaluation of various turfgrass species and cultivars.

These tests assess performance characteristics such as disease resistance, drought tolerance, wear tolerance, and overall turf quality. Ratings are given on a scale from 1 to 9, with higher scores indicating superior performance.

How Do NTEP Ratings Work?

NTEP trials are conducted over several years to ensure accuracy and reliability. Turfgrass is planted in multiple locations across different climatic zones, and each variety is evaluated for numerous traits, including:

  • Turf Quality: Overall appearance, including colour, density, and uniformity.
  • Disease Resistance: Ability to resist common turfgrass diseases.
  • Drought Tolerance: Performance during periods of water scarcity.
  • Wear Tolerance: Durability under foot traffic and other stressors.

The collected data is compiled into detailed reports, enabling turfgrass managers to make informed decisions based on solid evidence.

Why Are NTEP Ratings Important?

For turfgrass managers in the UK and Ireland, NTEP ratings offer a reliable benchmark for selecting turfgrass varieties that will thrive in local conditions. Here’s why these ratings matter:

  1. Informed Decision-Making: NTEP ratings provide evidence-based insights, helping managers choose the best varieties for their specific needs.
  2. Cost Efficiency: Selecting the right turfgrass can reduce maintenance costs by ensuring better disease resistance and lower water requirements.
  3. Enhanced Performance: By opting for top-rated varieties, managers can achieve superior turf quality, enhancing both the aesthetic and functional value of their turf areas.

Using NTEP Turfgrass Ratings: A Step-by-Step Guide

To make the most of NTEP ratings, follow these steps:

  1. Identify Your Requirements: Determine the specific needs of your turf area, such as wear tolerance for sports fields or drought tolerance for golf courses.
  2. Consult NTEP Reports: Access the latest NTEP ratings online and focus on the traits most relevant to your conditions.
  3. Select Top Performers: Choose varieties with consistently high ratings in the desired traits.
  4. Trial and Monitor: Trial selected varieties in a small area to observe their performance under local conditions before full-scale implementation.


NTEP turfgrass ratings are a vital tool for turfgrass managers looking to achieve the best possible results. Understanding these ratings and their importance can significantly enhance the quality and performance of turf areas across the UK and Ireland.

By incorporating NTEP insights into their decision-making process, turfgrass professionals can ensure they are using the best varieties for their specific needs and conditions.