What is a CE mark?

The CE mark on a product label signifies conformity with EU regulations.

June 4, 2024
2 mins
Henry Bechelet
ICL Technical Sales Manager

For fertilisers this indicates that the product meets safety, health, and environmental standards set by the EU Fertilising Product Regulation (FPR).

This regulation covers various fertilising products sold in the EU, including fertilisers, soil improvers, plant biostimulants, and more.

Expanded Scope

Under the FPR, a “fertilising product” encompasses substances or materials applied to plants or their rootzone to provide nutrients or enhance nutrition efficiency.

The regulation categorises these products into different groups, including fertilisers, soil improvers, plant biostimulants, and more.

Registration Requirements

Compliance with the FPR entails fulfilling specific regulatory requirements tailored to each product category. Soil improvers require technical documentation on raw materials, manufacturing processes, and labels.

In addition to above, biostimulants require trial results demonstrating their claimed effects, making their registration more rigorous.

Case Study: H2Pro Trismart

ICL successfully registered H2Pro Trismart as a non-microbial plant biostimulant under FPR, earning it the CE mark for this category. Independent trials demonstrated its efficacy in enhancing turf quality and abiotic drought stress tolerance, among other benefits listed on the product label.

Check Labels Carefully

When evaluating products bearing the CE mark, it’s crucial to consider the product function category.

A CE mark for biostimulants indicates proven performance aligned with label claims, while for soil improvers, it signifies regulatory compliance without any product performance validation.