What is SmartSpread?
SmartSpread™ is an advanced system exclusive to the AccuPro 360ST that ensures even and precise distribution of granular fertilisers, essential for achieving consistent and uniform application every time.
Controlled Delivery and Uniform Application
Located under the hopper, SmartSpread™ directs granules onto the impeller based on their size and weight.
For example, applications of ProTurf or Sierrablen Plus, which consist of larger and heavier granules, are directed towards the centre of the impeller to gain the necessary centrifugal force for effective spreading.

SmartSpread dial
Conversely, applications of products like Sierraform GT, which consist of smaller and lighter granules, are placed closer to the outer edge of the impeller where less force is required for even distribution.
This precise adjustment ensures each granule type is accurately accounted for, resulting in an optimal spread pattern and promoting uniform turf health.
Precision Nutrition
Use the correct ‘numbered’ spreader setting in combination with the ‘lettered’ SmartSpread™ settings for all ICL-branded fertilisers.
A link to our spreader settings page can be found below.