Roundup ProActive

A highly active glyphosate formulation for use in a wide range of areas.

Roundup ProActive is a foliar applied translocated herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds.

  • Rainfast within 1 hour

  • The widest label fields of use

  • Widest range of tested tank-mixing partners

  • Drift reduction properties

  • Excellent in challenging conditions

  • Technology Total herbicide

  • Pack Size 5 litre

  • Pack coverage 5,000 - 16,667m²

RateEquivalent dilutionWeeds controlled
3 L/ha1:67 or 15ml per litre of waterAnnual grasses, annual broad-leaved weeds
4 L/ha1:50 or 20ml per litre of waterArable weeds, pre-planting of trees
5 L/ha1:40 or 25ml per litre of waterMost perennial weeds
6 L/ha1:33 or 30ml per litre of waterFloating aquatic weeds
10 L/ha1:20 or 50ml per litre of waterRhododendron, Ivy, Horsetail and difficult waxy-leaved plants
Equivalent dilution
Weeds controlled

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