Crop Protection Association – Amenity Best Practice

The Crop Protection Association (CPA) has put together an Amenity Best Practice Leaflet to help professionals understand the best ways to use pesticides in community spaces.

May 10, 2024
2 mins

This straightforward guide focuses on using these plant protection products responsibly to keep our recreational and amenity areas in top shape.

Using Pesticides in the Community

Pesticides, also called plant protection products, are crucial for keeping our parks, sports pitches, golf courses, and transport networks in good condition. Their role outside agriculture is vital in maintaining and improving the quality and safety of public areas.

Why Use Pesticides?

Pesticides help:

  • Preserve the visual appeal and health of parks and open spaces.
  • Enhance the quality of sports pitches and golf courses.
  • Keep road and rail networks safe by controlling weeds and vegetation.

Pesticide Legislation

The leaflet outlines the laws and regulations around using pesticides, helping you understand your responsibilities and follow the rules. This ensures safe, effective, and environmentally responsible pesticide use.

Best Practice

Inside, you’ll find key advice on best practices, like:

  • Choosing the right product for the job.
  • Applying it correctly to minimize unintended exposure.
  • Following safety measures for those handling the products.
  • Keeping records and monitoring results.

Product-Specific Information

The leaflet also provides details on different pesticide types and how to apply them, so you can choose the best option while staying within the rules.

Final Thoughts

The Amenity Best Practice Leaflet is essential for anyone responsible for using pesticides in public spaces. It makes it clear how to use them effectively, safely, and in an environmentally conscious way.

Always consult the leaflet and check product labels before applying pesticides. If you’re unsure, reach out for professional advice to help keep your community areas safe and healthy.