Agrolution pHLow 11-45-11 +Zinc Starter

A dual-purpose water-soluble fertilizer that tackles water quality challenges and supplies high phosphorus plus zinc







Agrolution pHLow® 11-45-11 Plus Zinc Starter (2% Z) is a high phosphorous, water-soluble acidifying fertilizer perfect for growers who battle high pH and high alkalinity in their irrigation water and/or their soils. This fertigation solution is designed to be applied in-furrow to boost root growth. In addition to the ideal ratio of N-P-K, the zinc starter helps new crops get established quickly. Built with patented pHLow™ acidifying effect technology, Agrolution® pHLow® 11-45-11 Plus Zinc Starter is highly soluble with a low salt index and can be applied directly in-furrow for enhanced nutrient uptake efficiency. Like all fertilizers in the Agrolution pHLow portfolio, the fertilizer reduces stock solution pH to deliver highly pure nutrients in the correct proportions. It conveniently solves water quality and nutrient uptake problems with just one product.

  • Dual-purpose acidifying fertilizer solves water quality challenges while safely delivering essential nutrients

  • Acidifying effect ensures total nutrient availability

  • Provides the ideal N-P-K ratio, plus Zinc

  • Promotes early crop development; ideal for establishing new plants

  • Can be applied directly in-furrow

  • Utilizes patented Agrolution pHLow™ technology

  • Convenient all-in-one product

  • Highly pure, safe and soluble

  • Keeps pipes and drippers clean

Tank SizeAgrolution Starter
50 gallons150 Ibs (3 bags)
100 gallons 300 lbs (6 bags)

Max solubilityPotential AciditypH of 1% solutionpH of 5% solution
5.0 lbs./gal.  830 lbs. Calcium Carbonate/ton 2.52.2


Number of BagsLbs. of AgrolutionLbs. of NitrogenStock Tank Size (gallons)
Lbs. of Nitrogen per Gal.

These rates are meant as a guideline. For assistance in developing a fertilizer program for your specific site(s), consult with your ICL Growing Solutions expert.

Fill tank halfway with water. 
Add 11-45-11 Plus Zinc Starter. 
Fill tank with water to finished tank volume. 
Apply final solution in-furrow at a rate of 6-8 gallons per acre. 


These rates are meant as a guideline. For assistance in developing a fertilizer program for your specific site(s), consult with your ICL Growing Solutions expert. 

Brand Portfolio

Agrolution® pHLow™ 11-45-11 Plus Zinc is part of the Agrolution pHLow brand portfolio

Agrolution pHLow’s lineup offers all-in-one fertigation solutions for growers who battle high pH and high alkalinity in their irrigation water or soils.

Learn more about Agrolution

Also available in liquid form:


A dual-purpose, high phosphorus liquid fertilizer addresses water quality issues plus provides Zn for enhanced root growth

Nova PeKacid LQ 4-17-4 +Zn

See product

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