BIOZ® Diamond 10-0-1

Discover your crops' maximum potential with BIOZ® Diamond

BIOZ® Diamond 10-0-1 increases nutrient use efficiency and crop productivity. This powerful nitrogen fertilizer contains molasses and yeast extract (microbe food). BIOZ® Diamond 10-0-1 is a proven solution for improving early-season growth and nutrient acquisition, leading to increased crop yields.

BIOZ® is a registered trademark of ICL Europe Cooperative UA

  • Greater soil nutrient use efficiency

  • Plant biostimulation promoting better development

  • Easy to apply

  • High concentration of fulvic acid

  • Improves starter fertilizer yield responses

For all crops, apply BIOZ® Diamond 10-0-1 at a minimum rate of 32 fluid ounces per acre. Multiple applications may be needed for uses like fertigation.

Although BIOZ® Diamond 10-0-1 may be used alone, the greatest benefit from this product is expected when combined with an additional source of nutrients (starter fertilizer blends; broadcast soil treatments of liquid fertilizers) or as a component of a complete fertigation program for irrigated crops.

BIOZ® Diamond is compatible with most liquid fertilizer blends, including acid-forming water-soluble fertilizers like Nova PeKacid and Agrolution pHLow. A jar test should be performed in advance of field application to ensure compatibility using the same relative proportions of nutrient sources and BIOZ® Diamond to be applied.

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Can be used together with...

Agrolution pHLow

A dual-purpose water-soluble fertilizer that tackles water quality challenges and supplies high phosphorus plus zinc

Agrolution pHLow 11-45-11 +Zinc Starter

See product


The perfect solution when your crops need a boost of water-soluble phosphorus and potassium

Nova PeKacid 0-60-20

See product


Acidifying liquid concentrate perfect for when crops need a boost of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer 

Nova PeKacid LQ 0-27-9 

See product


A dual-purpose, high phosphorus liquid fertilizer addresses water quality issues plus provides Zn for enhanced root growth

Nova PeKacid LQ 4-17-4 +Zn

See product

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