Polysulphate Premium has all the characteristics that make Polysulphate such an outstanding, unique, and versatile fertilizer, with the advantages of a spherical, premium finish. This highly efficient multi-nutrient source contains sulfur, magnesium, calcium and potassium, plus, the uniform, smooth surface of our Polysulphate Premium spheres. Protected from abrasion, humidity, and damage, the spherical shape also gives a steady flow rate and a consistent spread during application. It easily blends with other granulated fertilizer materials and has an attractive appearance in the blends. Mined exclusively by ICL, this natural mineral (polyhalite) provides a season-long supply of gradually released nutrients to meet crop demand. The industrial granulation processes powdered polyhalite into smooth, uniform, and robust spheres, ensuring top-quality consistency for a balanced release. Fully-soluble, with all nutrients available for uptake, this premium fertilizer provides essential nutrients that are low in salt, chloride-free and ideal for all crop and soil types. Proven to improve crop yield and quality, Polysulphate Premium is a flexible crop nutrition solution well suited for blending.
Natural mineral containing sulfate-based S, Mg, K and Ca
Proven to increase yield and quality across a wide variety of crops
Consistent broad spread when applied
Unique shape for optimized nutrition and appearance
Smooth surfaces for increased resistance
High uniformity and density
Superior, balanced nutrient distribution for uniform coverage
Trial first on a small scale before changing the rate, application, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.
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ICL is the first – and only – producer in the world to mine polyhalite, marketed as Polysulphate.
Learn about Polysulphate