Uptake K 0-0-23

High-potassium fertilizer for rapid nutrient absorption and enhanced crop resilience

Uptake K 0-0-23 is a premium, low-salt potassium fertilizer formulated to provide quick and effective nutrient absorption. Made with potassium acetate and liquid humates, this chloride-free solution improves seed quality, promotes root growth, and enhances resistance to drought and disease. Its unique composition supports energy production for plant metabolism while aiding soil health by encouraging beneficial microbial activity. With a non-corrosive, slow-drying formula, Uptake K 0-0-23 minimizes burn potential and is safe for use with most fertilizers and pesticides. Ideal for foliar, this versatile product is designed to deliver potassium efficiently across a wide range of crops.

N Total Nitrogen 0%
P2O5 Soluble Phosphate (P2O5) 0%
K2O Soluble Potash (K2O) 23%

  • Rapid potassium absorption for improved plant growth and resilience

  • Supports root development, seed quality, and microbial activity in the soil

  • Low-salt, chloride-free formula reduces crop burn risks

  • Compatible with most fertilizers and pesticides for flexible application

  • Non-corrosive properties protect equipment and soil health

Uptake K 0-0-23 can be applied as a foliar spray to field, vegetable, row, fruit, tree, and vine crops. Follow label instructions and recommended rates based on crop needs and growing conditions for optimal results. Safe for use alone or mixed with compatible fertilizers and pesticides. 

Trial first on a small scale before changing the rate, or any other variables. As circumstances can differ and the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results. 

Please consult your ICL product expert or agronomist for usage.

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A liquid boron fertilizer with a enhanced nutrient boost to prevent boron deficiency and enhance yields

Boron X-Tra 0-0-0, 5% B

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A high-phosphorus fertilizer enhanced with organic acids for improved nutrient uptake and root growth.


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