Polysulphate Soybean Trial in Brazil


Yield Increase
Soybean grown with Polysulphate fertilizer in Brazil showed an increase in yield of between 9.6% and 14% compared to other sulfur sources

Lucas do Rio Verde, Mato Grosso state, Brazil



Yield Increase

Key Conclusions

This trial demonstrates that Polysulphate is a highly viable source of sulfur for soybean crops. Polysulphate increased yield by 16% compared to plots with no sulfur fertilization, and by 9.6% and 14% compared to single superphosphate and pastilled elemental sulfur, respectively.


The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of Polysulphate as a source of sulfur for soybean in Brazil’s Cerrado region.

Trial Details

Trial station

Lucas do Rio Verde, Mato Grosso state, Brazil




Soybean yield


This randomized block trial consisted of six treatments and four replications.

The treatments were combinations of MAP, KCl, Polysulphate, single superphosphate, and pastilled elemental sulfur (S) to supply 80 kg/ha P2O5, 80 kg/ha K2O and 25 kg/ha of S, except in the control treatment where no S was applied. MAP and single superphosphate were applied in furrow; KCl was broadcast before planting; Polysulphate and elemental sulfur were applied both in furrow and broadcast before planting according to each treatment.


This randomized block trial consisted of six treatments and four replications.

The treatments were combinations of MAP, KCl, Polysulphate, single superphosphate, and pastilled elemental sulfur (S) to supply 80 kg/ha P2O5, 80 kg/ha K2O and 25 kg/ha of S, except in the control treatment where no S was applied. MAP and single superphosphate were applied in furrow; KCl was broadcast before planting; Polysulphate and elemental sulfur were applied both in furrow and broadcast before planting according to each treatment.


  • Polysulphate is a highly viable source of sulfur for soybean fertilization.
  • Polysulphate fertilizer increased soybean yield by 16% compared with fertilization without sulfur.
  • Using Polysulphate as the source of sulfur increased soybean yield by 9.6% compared with single superphosphate.
  • A yield improvement of 14% was recorded with Polysulphate compared with pastilled elemental sulfur.

Polysulphate increased soybean yield by 9.6% in this trial in Brazil

Other Interesting Trials

Polysulphate on Soybean
Mercedes, Corrientes, Argentina, 2017


Yield Increase
Soybean & Polysulphate
Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, 2019


Yield Increase
Polysulphate on Soybean
Itapúa, Paraguay, 2018


Yield Increase