Dew dispersants for turf are specifically formulated surfactants that are designed to reduce the formation of water droplets on the surface of turfgrass leaf blades. These surfactants stick to the leaf blades and they work by lowering the surface tension of the moisture droplets, causing them to spread out and evaporate more quickly. This helps to keep the leaf blades dry and free of excess moisture, which can be beneficial for a number of reasons.
One of the primary reasons why excess moisture on turfgrass can be problematic is because it can negatively impact turf performance and also impede maintenance operations such as top dressing or spray treatments. Excess moisture on turfgrass can also create an environment that is conducive to the development of damaging turfgrass diseases.
Dews can encourage the growth of fungal pathogens, which can cause significant scarring of the turf surface including Microdochium patch, Dollar spot, and other diseases.
In summary, dew dispersants are designed to help maintain a healthy and vibrant turfgrass surface by reducing the formation of excess moisture on the leaf blades. By reducing the negative impacts of leaf moisture on turf performance, maintenance and disease development, dew dispersants can help to promote optimal turfgrass health and playability.
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