Magphos 00-55-18+7MgO

Get your crops off to a flying start with MagPhos









MagPhos 0-55-18+7MgO is a premium, fully water-soluble fertilizer supplying plants with a high phosphorous and magnesium content. It's among the most concentrated formulations by ICL that shall get your crop plantations off to a flying start and boost up their chlorophyll levels. Thanks to an exclusive technology from ICL, MagPhos is fully chloride and sodium free ensuring that the farmers get only a high-quality fertilizer. MagPhos is acidic in nature and is ideal for crops that need plenty of magnesium, such as cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes.

PeKacid technology

It combines the advantages and efficiency of phosphoric acid with the ease and safety of a solid crystalline fertilizer. The use of PeKacid (an “acid-in-the-bag” product) replaces the conventional application of technical acids for agricultural use, resulting in an easier, safer and more effective fertilization process. Due to its acidic nature, PeKacid has an anti-clogging effect on irrigation systems and also enhances nutrients’ uptake. ICL uses the PeKacid technology in many of their water-soluble formulations.

Learn more about PeKacid Technology

  • Highly effective water-soluble fertilizer with high Phosphorous and Magnesium

  • High purity levels

  • Increases plant chlorophyll levels

  • Easy to dissolve

Recommended dilution rate for stock solutions10-15 kg / 100 l water
Minimum Average10kg/acre
Maximum Average15kg/acre

It is advised to adjust the application rates beyond the suggested limit as per the crop’s status and nutrient requirement. It is recommended to undertake a trial on a small scale before changing the application rate or any other variables, as circumstances can differ. As the recommended application rate might be beyond our control, hence, ICL cannot be held responsible for any adverse results.

MagPhos is suitable for fertigation or foliar spray. Providing one of the most important nutrients for your plants, MagPhos can be used in all stages.
With a high level of phosphorus, the product is recommended especially in early stages, to boost the root system, or for fruit set.
 You can also use MagPhos as foliar spray, especially at flowering stage.
If you need more information, please contact your technical support.

To be used primarily for Fertigation applications

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This product is part of:

Explore PeaK

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