Agriform Strawberry Mix Southern CA Short Term 22-7-11

High-performing controlled-release NPK and E-Max urea fertilizer designed for Southern California Strawberry growers







Agriform® Strawberry Mix Southern CA Short Term 22-7-11 delivers 7 months of nutrients for greater crop yields and superior quality fruit. Designed as a 100% resin-coated NPK and E-Max urea, Southern California strawberry growers recognize this as the industry standard for consistency and reliability. Designed for use on fall/winter planted strawberries from San Diego to Santa Maria, CA. One-third of the nitrogen comes from 100% coated urea. The coated urea increases the total nitrogen and is best suited for southern growing areas with warmer soil temperatures.

  • Increases yields for a strong return on investment

  • Provides consistent plant nutrition throughout the crop cycle due to controlled release coating technology

  • Is safe in use; can be placed directly in the planting slot beneath the root zone at pre-plant

  • Release profile and high-quality nutrients combine for maximized crop yield

  • One-third of the nitrogen comes from 100% coated urea

These rates are meant as a guideline and take into consideration the historical use rates for the various products. For assistance in developing a fertilizer program for your specific site(s), consult with your ICL- SF Specialty Ag Sales Agronomist.

Low rates should be used when:

  • 75% or more of nutrient need met by water soluble fertilizers.
  •  Climate is cool requiring low irrigation application rates.
  •  Soil tests reveal high salts or residual nutrients from prior crops.
  •  Water quality is poor and might result in injurious salt levels.
  •  Labor availability to manually fertigate is not a limiting factor.
  •  Managers are adept at interpreting crop nutrient needs daily.

Medium rates should be used when:

  • About half of nutrient needs met by Agriform® and about half met by water soluble fertilizer.

High rates should be used when:

  • 75% or more of nutrient need met by Agriform®.
  • Climate conditions demand high irrigation rates and leaching below the root zone is possible.
  • Irrigation water source is good quality with low salt content.
  • Crop is going to last as long as the fertilizer longevity claim, or possibly longer.
Product FormulaLowMediumHigh
Agriform® Strawberry Mix Southern CA 7-mo 22-7-11600-800800-10001000-1200
Product Formula

Rates (lb./acre) 

Brand Portfolio

This product is part of the Agriform Strawberry Mix Portfolio

The Agriform Strawberry Mix portfolio features 100% resin-coated NPK in various formulations to provide consistent nutrition throughout the strawberry crop cycle.

Learn more about Agriform Strawberry Mix

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