Polysulphate Alfalfa Trial in France


Yield increase
Polysulphate increased alfalfa yield and improved alfalfa quality parameters

Vésigneul-sur-Marne, France



Yield increase

Key Conclusions

Throughout the experiment, the Polysulphate fertilizer alfalfa yielded more than the control plot, increasing alfalfa yield by 12% in the highest yield treatment which supplied approximately 10% of the total potassium as Polysulphate in addition to supplying S, Ca, and Mg.  



To evaluate Polysulphate, in combination with KCl, as a K and secondary macronutrients source for rainfed alfalfa, and to examine the response of both yield and quality to increasing proportions of Polysulphate. 

Trial Details

Trial station

Vésigneul-sur-Marne, France




Polysulphate Granular


Alfalfa yield and feed quality.


  • This alfalfa trial consisted of three replications, in a randomized complete block design. 
  • Four different treatments were established with combinations of 2 different sources of potassium, potassium chloride (KCl) and Polysulphate, at a similar K dose of 300 kg K2O/ha, with 4 different proportions: all K from KCl, and 10%, 20% and 40% of the K from Polysulphate. 
  • Polysulphate Granular was used for the two lower rates of product, while Polysulphate Standard was used for the highest rate. 
  • A control was established which received no additional nutrient supply. 
  • The alfalfa was harvest in 6 cuts: 25 May 2019, 1 July 2019, 23 August 2019, 13 May 2020, 3 July 2020, and 20 August 2020. 


TreatmentFertilizer rateNutrient rate
MOP (KCl)PolyhaliteK2OMgSCa
kg/ha (lbs/A) kg/ha (lbs/A) kg/ha (lbs/A) kg/ha (lbs/A) kg/ha (lbs/A) kg/ha (lbs/A)
Polysulphate 2004011782687 (6)38 (34 023 (20)
Polysulphate 405361361 26814 (13)78 (69)46 (41)
Polysulphate 800277714 26829 (26)154 (137)91 (82)


  • This alfalfa trial consisted of three replications, in a randomized complete block design. 
  • Four different treatments were established with combinations of 2 different sources of potassium, potassium chloride (KCl) and Polysulphate, at a similar K dose of 300 kg K2O/ha, with 4 different proportions: all K from KCl, and 10%, 20% and 40% of the K from Polysulphate. 
  • Polysulphate Granular was used for the two lower rates of product, while Polysulphate Standard was used for the highest rate. 
  • A control was established which received no additional nutrient supply. 
  • The alfalfa was harvest in 6 cuts: 25 May 2019, 1 July 2019, 23 August 2019, 13 May 2020, 3 July 2020, and 20 August 2020. 


TreatmentFertilizer rateNutrient rate
MOP (KCl)PolyhaliteK2OMgSCa
kg/ha (lbs/A) kg/ha (lbs/A) kg/ha (lbs/A) kg/ha (lbs/A) kg/ha (lbs/A) kg/ha (lbs/A)
Polysulphate 2004011782687 (6)38 (34 023 (20)
Polysulphate 405361361 26814 (13)78 (69)46 (41)
Polysulphate 800277714 26829 (26)154 (137)91 (82)


  • Over the whole duration of the experiment (2-years), the alfalfa fertilized with Polysulphate and KCl yielded approximately 0.7 ton/A  more than the crop fertilized only with MOP, and approximately 1.4 ton/A a more than control treatment which received no MOP. 
  • A clear trend was observed in all cuts – especially in the second year – with improvements in the quality parameters (protein contents) of the alfalfa fertilized with Polysulphate (data not shown) 
Polysulphate fertilizer increased alfalfa yield by 12% compared to the control.

Polysulphate fertilizer increased alfalfa yield by 12% compared to the control.
Different letters indicate significant differences at p < 0.05. Error bars are SD.



* From research funded by the International Potash Institute www.ipipotash.org

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