Broadcast Fertiliser application is one of agriculture’s most traditional fertiliser application methods. The longevity and popularity of the broadcast application technique are a reflection of its simplicity, efficiency, and adaptability. Of course, the tools used to broadcast fertilisers across fields have changed dramatically since ancient civilisations first developed the technique, and more importantly, so have the fertilisers that farmers apply.
Broadcast fertiliser application is:
- Simple, requiring relatively straight-forward equipment compared to some other fertiliser application methods
- Efficient, especially in large fields where large areas can be fertilised quickly
- Adaptable, suitable for large and small-scale application, and for various fertiliser types, including organic manures as well as granular, coated, and powdered fertilisers.
While broadcast application can fertilise small areas of land, it is particularly effective at applying fertiliser to broad-acre field crops and pastures. A modern fertiliser spreader applying a high-quality fertiliser with a consistent granule size and density can accurately spread granules up to 36 meters, providing a constant, even distribution of nutrients across a field.
Versatility of Broadcast Spreaders
Broadcast spreaders come in many diverse forms, including handheld tools, small walk-behind spreaders, aerial drone spreaders, larger tow-behind spreaders, and large tractor-mounted spreaders. At the core of each device lies a granular fertiliser-loaded hopper. As the spreader crosses the land, the hopper releases the fertiliser onto spinning disks that spread the fertiliser across the soil surface or growing crops, ensuring uniform dispersal.
When Should Broadcast Fertilisation be Used?
There are two core stages when growers typically use broadcast fertiliser application: pre-plant application and top-dressing. In pre-plant application, the fertiliser is applied before planting seeds or seedlings. Immediate soil incorporation is key to preventing nutrient losses through runoff, leaching, or volatilisation. Such incorporation enhances root contact and minimises surface nutrient loss.
In contrast, top-dressing is the application of fertiliser to the soil surface after the crop is established. With top-dressing, the fertiliser is not incorporated into the soil but instead relies on moisture to carry the nutrients from the fertiliser granules on the soil surface into the root zone.
What are the Benefits of Broadcast Fertiliser Application?
While pre-plant broadcast applications may result in lower fertiliser use efficiency compared to other application methods, expansive areas can be covered swiftly and cost-effectively. Broadcast application is adaptable to various terrains, particularly excelling on irregularly shaped fields, slopes, and obstructed spaces.
However, it’s important to note that in no-till systems, broadcasted nutrients may not be incorporated, potentially leading to nutrient imbalances.
Optimising Broadcast Fertiliser Application
To leverage the power of broadcast application and mitigate any drawbacks, farmers must account for variables like soil type, crop variety, weather patterns, and nutrient demands. Adjustments to application rates and timing based on these factors will significantly enhance its impact.
As well as determining the correct nutrient mix and application rate, growers must ensure the fertiliser’s granule size and density are compatible with the fertiliser spreader’s specification to help ensure even distribution.
ICL’s fertilisers are created from high-quality ingredients and manufactured to high standards to deliver a consistent granule size and density. Choosing high-quality fertilisers ensures an even distribution of nutrients through the field for the optimum crop response.
Whether you are applying a controlled-release fertiliser such as Agromaster®, one of our PLUS Polysulphate-based fertilisers, or our superior phosphate or potash fertilizers, you can be confident in our high-quality fertilisers.
Equipped with the appropriate ICL plant nutrition products, you can embrace the flexibility of broadcast application – benefitting from the convenience, adaptability, and efficiency of this approach to nourishing crops across diverse landscapes.
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