
High performance, highly concentrated systemic selective herbicide

Praxys is a premium selective, systemic post-emergence herbicide for use on managed amenity turf, including lawns and amenity grassland, for the control of daisy, dandelion, clover, buttercup, ribwort, plantain and other broad-leaved weeds.

Praxys combines three modern active ingredients and two different modes of action. Rapidly entering target weeds, Praxys travels through the whole plant to give complete weed destruction.

  • Systemic uptake right down to the roots, with no regrowth

  • Combines three powerful herbicides

  • Rainfast within one hour

  • Rapid entry into the weed

  • Low dose rate and water volume

  • Pack Size 2 litre

  • MAPP 19820

  • Formulation type Liquid (EC)

  • Technology Selective herbicide

  • Contains 144 g/L fluroxypyr-meptyl, 80 g/L clopyralid and 2.5 g/L florasulam

Maximum individual dose2 L/ha
Water volume200 L/ha
Maximum no. of treatments1 per year

  • The ideal timing for application is when the weeds are small and actively growing
  • Broad-leaved weeds not present at application will not be controlled
  • An interval of 4 weeks must elapse between application of Praxys and over-seeding turf
  • Take extreme care to avoid drift onto crops and non-target plants, e.g. trees, shrubs and bedding outside the target area
  • Do not use any plant material treated with Praxys for composting or mulching
  • Do not apply if turfgrass is wet
  • Do not apply to turf, lawns or grass areas which are under stress
  • Do not apply if night temperatures are low, if ground frost is imminent, or in periods of prolonged cold or dry weather

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