The Praxys lowdown

Maximising efficiency and sustainability in weed control.

April 2, 2024
2 mins

Praxys stands as a market-leading systemic selective herbicide for use on managed amenity turf, including lawns and amenity grassland, for the control of daisy, dandelion, clover, buttercup, ribwort, plantain and other broad-leaved weeds.

Lowest dosage rates

Praxys sets itself apart by offering the lowest dosage rates available, ensuring users benefit from a powerful solution without the need for excessive application. This efficiency not only reduces the product’s environmental impact but also enhances its cost-effectiveness.

Lowest active ingredient loading

With its focus on reducing active ingredient loading, Praxys demonstrates a commitment to minimising environmental impact. Users can trust in a product that delivers results while supporting eco-friendly practices.

Lowest packaging waste costs

Praxys’s innovative formulation means less packaging waste, aligning with the growing demand for sustainable solutions. By choosing Praxys, organisations can lower their environmental footprint and embrace a greener approach.

Lowest water volume

The product’s efficiency extends to its water usage, requiring less water volume for application. This not only conserves an essential resource but also leads to savings in storage and transportation costs.